Mexican Government Releases Proof of ET's and Ancient Space Travel

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Mexican Government Releases Proof of E.T.'s and Ancient Space Travel

In what will soon be considered as the Holy Grail of extraterrestrial research, the Mexican government has released ancient documents proving the existence of E.T.'s once and for all.


Mayn Documents [1] The two circles near the center of the artifact appear to be earth. [2] This appears to be a spacecraft of some type. [3] This appears to be a massive comet or asteroid headed toward earth. [4] Appears to be a specially designed spacecraft capable of deflecting a large comet or meteor, such as NASA "Deep Impact". [5] Appears to be an astronaut in control of a craft. [6] What appears to be an intelligently controlled spacecraft.

CALAKMUL, MEXICO (INTELLIHUB) - `Newly released Mayan documents, i.e. artifacts, dating back at least 1300-years reveal that the human race is not alone and highly advanced technologies including space travel have likely existed for quite some time.

Not only does this documentation released by the Mexican government show the existence of an explorer race, it may also reveal the roots of mankind.

Some consider the government's presentation of the information to be a major step forward for humanity as the truth is finally being slowly let out. Hopefully this will prompt other governments around the world to be more forthcoming with such information, turning the tide in the UFO and extraterrestrial research community for good.'


Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo's Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond also touches on such technology. "Producer Raul Julia-Levy said the documentary-makers were working in cooperation with the Mexican government for what he said was "the good of mankind". He said the order to collaborate had come directly from the country's president, Alvaro Colom Caballeros.

"Mexico will release codices, artefacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact, and all of their information will be corroborated by archaeologists," he said. "The Mexican government is not making this statement on their own - everything we say, we're going to back it up."

Caballeros himself was conspicuous by his absence from the statement released by Julia- Levy. So far, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, Luis Augusto Garc¡a Rosado, appears to be the highest-ranking government official to go on record confirming the discovery of extraterrestrial life, but he's not holding back.

In a statement, Rosado spoke of contact "between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time". In a telephone conversation with the Wrap, he also spoke of "landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old".[2]

These secrets have been said to be "protected" by the mexican government for as long as 80-years.

Read more:
Mexican Government Releases Proof of E.T.?s and Ancient Space Travel » David Icke




Aliens and UFOs Depicted In Mayan Artifacts Released By Mexican Government [video] : Conscious Life News