Disclosure project. Does anyone here believe some of the witnesses' testimonies?

Angry Christian

New member
If even one case out of the alleged 400 witnesses is true, then other humanoid races exist and we are not alone. There are thousands of "reports" of UFO's but I dismiss most all except for the recent O'Hare Airport sighting in 2006, and some of the NASA video footage of intelligently guided craft. If this all real?
There have been too many credible witnesses includingpolice, pilots, military and other responsible people seeing these strange objects for them to be dismissed. Yes, I believe in unidentifiable flying objects. Aliens are another matter.
How can someone look out at the vast solar system and even think that we are alone? If we are here don't you think that somewhere else there is another form of life? Millions of miles different solar systems.they think that even Mars could sustain life at one time.Of course their are others out there. If we are here than how could you assume that their are not others?