[Attention] Zecharia Sitchin Has Died


This is horrible and i hope he will be in a better place he will be deeply missed......

Zecharia Sitchin Has Died


Submitted by Dirk Vander Ploeg on Tue, 10/26/2010 - 11:50

Editor Robert D. Morningstar has sent me an email with the following message: I have just received word that Zecharia Sitchin passed away on October 9th.

The following message is posted on the Sitchin.com website: We regret to inform you that Zecharia Sitchin passed away on the morning of October 9th. A small, private family funeral was held the next day.

The family asks that you respect its privacy during this difficult time and refrain from contacting family members directly. Instead, to offer tributes to Mr. Sitchin or to contact those handling his affairs, please email tributes@sitchin.com or send a letter to P.O. Box 577, New York, NY 10185.

We appreciate the support that you have given over the years. Please continue to monitor this website for further updates.
Full article here


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