Local Communities Dismantling Corporate Rule

White Rabbit

New member
Here is some great news, lets get this country back to its roots!

Community Rights educator Paul Cienfuegos explains how “We The People” are exercising the authority to govern ourselves and fight corporate rule. When small farmers in rural Pennsylvania wanted to say “no” to a corporate factory farm coming into their community, they learned they couldn’t, because it would violate the corporation’s “rights” and state pre-emption laws. So they did something technically illegal — their town passed an innovative ordinance banning corporate factory farming.

It worked! The corporation left town. Pittsburgh upshifted the approach: Rather than define what we don’t want, define what we DO want. Their “Right to Water” stopped natural gas fracking in the city. Ordinances like this have been passed in over 150 communities in 9 states. Tune in to learn how this works.

Local Communities Dismantling Corporate Rule, part 1
