"I'll Occupy", the song

100th Monkey

New member

"I first was pepper sprayed
Just standing on the side
But it took me being blinded
to open up up my eyes
Cause I'd read the daily news,
and not responded actively
and I realized then and there
this revolution needed me

So here I am, camped in a tent
Which is really so convenient
cause I can't afford my rent
But they came with shields and mace
In the night while it was dark
A NYPD army sent to clear Zuccotti Park

We'll protest on, with catchy phases
We're going global from London to Uc Davis
If you think that your batons are going to get us to go home
GO on and hit me, I'll just upload it from my phone.

Until I die, I'll occupy
As long I know how to sit
And hold this heavy sign
cause the 99 is pissed
and we will not BE dismissed
I'll occupy, I'll occupy, hell yeah

Call us "hippies" call us "homeless," yeah we're fed it.
And we "don't know what we want," to our discredit.
But if you're reading all the news, funded by the corporations
Its no mystery how you've missed our declaration

We're armed too, Yeah, we've got twitter
We're a techno savvy nation And we're bitter
There's no Marie Antoinette
We're dragging to the Guillotine
Got non-violence, you bet!
Cause we aim to keep this clean

We will not go! Bring on the snow!
Got your faceless cooperate body
One peaceful badass foe
We're awake, we saw Wall-e, and you know we're organized
Did you think we'd crumble?
Did you think we'd lay down and not try?

Until I die, I'll occupy
As long I know how to sit and hold this heavy sign
cause the 99 is pissed
and we will not be dismissed
I'll occupy, I'll occupy, HELL yeah, HELL yeah!

We're off our Meds, we're watching Ted
And we're into Zombie culture,
But we're not the walking dead
If you want to fight for justice join the masses, we are strong
And it wouldn't hurt to take a
minute to repost this song!

Until we die, We'll occupy
As long we know how to sit and hold these heavy sign
cause the 99 is pissed
and we will not be dismissed
We'll occupy, We'll occupy, HELL yeah"