[Update!] well here goes...


New member
Well, we are entering a new chapter, it seems my friend is going to the dr tomorrow with "an entourage". The neighbor two doors down from us is going with us and the immediate neighbor who is an ex marine is going to be driving us over there and then there's me, I carry an extra oxygen tank (oh, and by the way the health and human services says that after 8 hrs of quitting smoking your lungs breathing potential goes back almost to normal or something like that after going 8 hrs without a smoke,not true she hasn't smoked now in almost 4 years) and repeat whatever goes on because she has a hearing proboblem where b will sound like p or c or d.

Her dr will not renew her perscriptions until she comes in. Told her the last time it was a "favor". So now its a favor to keep people alive after getting them involved with perscriptions, which she's been taking for the most part for over 10 years and nothings affected her insides yet.

Oh, well,I guess she wants another $250.00 (80 % paid by Medicare, my friend has to manage somehow to pay the rest and her perscription, because the state says she has too much money for Medicaid. Like to see how they would manage after paying $725. rent and the rest of the utilities.