
Truth feeder
Prison Planet.com
Friday, July 9, 2010

Caldeira’s madcap call to ban the production of devices that emit CO2 presumably includes babies, who in common with all human beings emit the inert, life-giving gas that helps plants grow. Is a one child policy not enough for these control freaks? How about we just ban pregnancy all together while putting a tax on breathing?

From an interview with Jack Fleck, San Francisco’s lead traffic engineer….

I guess the main point I drive home is that the atmosphere can only absorb about 8 billion tons of CO2. In about 15 years there’ll be about 8 billion people, so really our goal should be no more than one ton per person, whereas our current level is about 20 tones.

So I think what I try to drive home is, how big the reduction has to be and we really just have to get off of fossil fuels, and there was a good quote from Ken Caldeira, do you know who he is?

He was a speaker at SPUR, and I was curious about him. He’s from Stanford, he said ‘I think we need to more or less make it illegal to produce devices that emit CO2 into the atmosphere. Our target should be zero emissions.’
