Head of California?s Cap and Trade Offsets Program: Cap and Trade Won?t Work for Clim


Truth feeder
Calgary Herald - Citizens buying advertising against climate change politics

Watts Up With That?
Wednesday, Dec 9th, 2009

This is rather unique, and it shows the conviction that some individuals have. I’ve often thought that a full page ad in the NYT might get some action, but I really think volume is the answer now on an individual scale,* just like Gore’s “we” campaign. I’m sure that thousands of letters to the editors are being launched right about now from folks who think a lot like Mr. Bell. Climategate and Copenhagen have stirred up a hornet’s nest.

Unfortunately, ads don’t become web searchable, so we have this image and the PDF below.

Ad in the Calgary Herald today, page B5 – click to enlarge*
An email sent to me reads: *

Bill Bell has been trying for weeks to get the [Calgary] Herald to sell him a full page for an “Advertisement-Opinion” on Climate Change science and Copenhagen.* (This mostly happened before the Hadley disclosure). *The Herald must have gone through a number of intestinal upheavals, involving *editors, ad people, lawyers and the publisher and it seems that – rather then be accused of suppressing information – they have finally consented. I think it puts a new face on the Herald also.

A brave man, Mr. Bell.

Here is the PDF Bill Bell’s advertisment
