
Truth feeder
Tru TV
Thursday, Dec 17th, 2009

Whether global warming is real or not, some people may be using the issue to earn billions of dollars, start a one-world government and control people’s lives. Jesse’s deep investigation uncovers evidence that could point to one man being behind an entire global-warming conspiracy.​

Featured Experts and Eyewitnesses: Lord Christopher Monckton, British politician, business consultant, policy advisor, writer and inventor who disagrees with mainstream scientific consensus on global warming; Richard Lindzen, atmospheric physicist, professor of meteorology at MIT and author who alleges political pressure on climate scientists; Amit Chaterjee, founder and CEO of Hara Software, an environmental startup backed in part by Al Gore’s venture capital firm; Ben Santer, climate researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Noel Sheppard, associate editor of NewsBusters.org and outspoken critic of global-warming science; “Dr. X,” an eminent climatologist who wants to protect his identity for his family’s safety; George Hunt, a UN whistleblower and author; and Martin Durkin, producer and director of the UK Channel 4 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle.
