CES: Taser’s Turn at Cellphone Safety


Truth feeder
COMMENT: One would imagine the same technology and monitoring techniques offered to the parent could easily fall into the hands of Big Brother, phone-tapping intelligence networks, jealous (ex)-girlfriends or business/political opponents, etc. as well.

Marisa Taylor
Wall Street Journal
January 10, 2009

For parents who want to keep their kids from sexting — or just texting at the dinner table — new cellphone software called Protector keeps them in the loop.

Protector uses GPS so that a child’s calls, texts, emails and photos are first routed to the parent’s phone, where they can be screened and blocked if desired. It also monitors a child’s location and can even track driving habits, Taser said. (In case you’re wondering, it emphasized that Protector is not a stun gun.)

The software can check texts for profanity, as well as drug-related and sexual language. If a parent is seeking a little family time at dinner, the press of a button will shut down the child’s phone completely. In the case of a missing child, a parent can queue up the child’s entire phone log in an instant to pass along to law-enforcement officials.

What do you think? Would you use Protector, or is it too invasive?

