
Truth feeder
Kurt Nimmo
October 12, 2009

The vaccination propaganda is now kicking into overdrive. Earlier today, I switched on the tube and randomly hit two news channels — CNN and Fox — and there was the get the vaccine propaganda. Both channels told me to get the vaccine. Both downplayed the “myths” and “disinformation” about the dangers of the seasonal and H1N1 vaccines.

* * Dr. Snyderman: “Forget the conspiracy… listen to our government agencies, these guys are telling the truth… Just get your damn vaccine.”</p> * * * Supposed experts interviewed by ABC News claim it is unethical to refuse the vaccine. “Does Americans’ right to determine what is best for themselves and their families trump the federal government’s efforts to head off what it believes could be a flu pandemic?” writes Patrick Jonsson for ABC News. “The US government says it has no intention of forcing vaccinations, but its entire flu strategy could be undermined – endangering public health, they say – if a substantial portion of the US population opts out of the $3 billion program.”

The corporate media’s own polls reveal that around two-thirds of parents have serious reservations about the vaccines’ effectiveness and safety. Millions of people simply distrust the government and do not buy into the propaganda.

“Many of the concerns by parents are based on the perception that this vaccine has been rushed into production and may not be safe,” Tom Skinner, a CDC spokesman, told Fox News. “We understand parents’ concerns – they want what is best for their children. We often tell people the best antidote for fear is information. And we ask them to really seek out sound and reliable information from sources they trust.”

According to the CDC, parents need to stop listening to a large number of doctors and virologists who say the vaccines are dangerous and instead get their information exclusively from the corporate media.

The government and the corporate media hate the idea millions of Americans are doing their own research before sticking a needle in their kids. “Just get your damn vaccine,” demanded Dr. Nancy Snyderman, NBC’s chief medical editor. Snyderman dropped all pretense and revealed the real attitude of the government and the Mockingbird corporate media.

How dare you question the government. Just shut up and roll up your sleeve.

Now you will be told it is irresponsible and unethical not to get a vaccine loaded up with mercury, squalene, preservatives, “attenuated” viruses, and formaldehyde.

James Hodge, a public health law expert at the Arizona State University, told ABC News questioning the vaccination is “just not responsible.” While some objections to vaccinations are warranted, he says, “we’re also seeing an increasing feeling among some Americans that we shouldn’t trust government on this, and that vaccines themselves are the cause of major harm, even though that connection doesn’t exist,” at least it does not exist according to the government and a corporate media that takes a large percentage of its advertising revenue from multinational pharmaceutical corporations.

Officials have stopped short of calling vaccination a moral imperative, instead urging Americans to think deeply about their perceptions and the communal impact of their decisions, according to ABC.

Stopped short… for now. In the weeks ahead, as the multi-million dollar government and big pharma propaganda effort picks up steam, we may be told it is selfish, irresponsible, unethical and immoral not to take the shot. A number of states have passed legislation allowing the government to quarantine those who refuse.

It all hinges on the severity of the flu pandemic this autumn and the hysteria generated by the government and the media. “Just get your damn vaccine” may turn into the government forcing you to take the shot at gunpoint as the propaganda effort fails and millions of people refuse.


Speaking of ethics, Dr. Nancy Snyderman was implicated in an insider trading scam in 1999.

“ABC-TV’s medical correspondent is returning more than $50,000 to a health-care Web site after violating insider-trading rules by selling shares too soon after the site went public,” the New York Times reported on August 21, 1999. “Dr. Snyderman’s husband bought 1,650 shares of DrKoop.com, based in Austin, during a June 8 initial public offering for $9 a share and sold it one month later when prices soared to $41.27 a share. That was a violation of Securities and Exchange Commission rules barring corporate officers and directors from profiting from a stock sale within six months of buying shares, said Sue Georgen-Saad, chief financial officer of DrKoop.com.”

She also “strongly supports a public option in the current health care reform debate,” according to Wikipedia. In other words, she favors Obamacare at gunpoint, not surprising for a woman who has nothing but contempt for those of us who do not trust the government and will not take the toxic vaccine.
