Doctor whose three-year-old daughter died of swine flu calls for all children to be vaccinated


Truth feeder
Stephen Adams
London Telegraph
Jan 13, 2011

Lana Ameen, who had no underlying health problems, died in hospital on Boxing Day, two days after apparently catching a cold and developing a high temperature.

Her parents, a doctor and nurse, have described how they were “shocked” at losing their daughter and said it was wrong that not all children were given the swine flu jab this winter. During the 2009 swine flu outbreak, it was recommended that all under-fives be vaccinated.

In the past fortnight, the Government has come under fire for restricting use of the seasonal flu jab, which protects against swine flu and two other strains, to under-fives who suffer from health problems, such as neurological disorders or asthma.

Ministers insist they are legally bound to follow the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, which last July decided against vaccinating all children against this winter’s flu strains, a position they reaffirmed over Christmas.

Full article here
