
Truth feeder
Kurt Nimmo
December 15, 2009

Kathleen Sebelius’ HHS has teamed up with Kansas governor Mark Parkinson to push the H1N1 vaccination on children in the state. In order to convince parents to get their children injected with the vaccine, the government has released a series of slick PSAs, including one featuring Parkinson and “Sid the Science Kid,” a character from the computer generated show on PBS produced by Jim Henson Productions.

In September, only 40 percent of parents said they would get their children vaccinated with the experimental drug. Among parents who do not plan to get their children vaccinated about half are worried about possible side effects of the vaccine.

“Vaccinations are the best way to protect our children from the H1N1 flu,” Parkinson declares in the PSA. “I say that not just as a Governor, but as a parent. The Department of Health and Human Services has done a great job of making H1N1 vaccines available throughout Kansas, but now it’s up to us to make sure our kids are vaccinated.”

Neither Parkinson or the animated character mention the fact the Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline vaccines are experimental and were not approved by the FDA. Earlier this year, the U.S. and Canada skipped all of the normally required safety and efficacy procedures and allowed for the massive testing of the novel adjuvant vaccine on thousands of paid clinical trial participants.

Numerous doctors have warned about the dangers of the H1N1 vaccination. In late September, Dr. Kent Holtorf told Fox News the vaccine would contain high levels of the adjuvant squalene and he advised against taking it. In August, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen told Russia Today scientists involved in creating previous vaccinations told family and friends not to take the H1N1 vaccine.

Squalene causes severe arthritis and in humans at 10-20 parts per billion leads to severe immune responses, such as autoimmune arthritis and lupus.

In response, Big Pharma and the corporate media have declared the H1N1 vaccine in the United States will not contain the adjuvant squalene.

“It will be important for anybody who takes the H1N1 vaccine to get a copy of the sheet that is supposed to be given out with each shot, and to compare the writing on the vial to what is on the piece of paper you are given (do not be surprised if they do not match),” James Atkinson told Cryptome in October. “Then ask the person who is giving it to you about it the vaccine has any Squalene of not, if they do not know then find someplace else to get the vaccine (most medical people just give the medication, very few actually have any idea what the medication actually is). Pay attention to the batch codes or lot numbers, and get it put into writing exactly what you were given.”

However, the insert for the Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine manufactured by Novartis admits there are other debilitating and even deadly side effects associated with the vaccine, including Guillain-Barre syndrome, vasculitis, anaphylactic shock and even death. The insert was updated in September.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, one of the country’s most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health, talked with Alex Jones in July about the dangers of the H1N1 vaccine and the swine flu hype. See part 2 here.

“After 200 years, with our many advances in science and medicine, you would think that someone could develop a method to protect babies and adults from infectious disease other than injecting them with animal cells, stray viruses, heavy metals and toxic chemicals,” writes Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. “Why do we call this health and protection? Until my dying breath I will never understand why people resolutely defend – and demand – the right to inject themselves and their children with these risky potients.”

In Kansas the government with Mark Parkinson leading the charge take seriously the effort to inject as many children as possible with this untested and experimental vaccine teeming with toxins and potients.

On December 14, Ken Adachi, editor and publisher of the Educate-Yourself website, wrote about an email he had received detailing an effort the Unified Government Health Department of Wyandotte County, Kansas, and the Wyandotte High School to force school children to submit to “required vaccinations” or be suspended from school.

“I can only hope that some of these parents who are aware of the dangers of vaccines and have the good sense to challenge these neo-Nazi ‘health’ officials, will bring legal action against these damnable bureaucrats and their outrageous assaults upon the rights of these parents and their children. Has the Kansas state legislature eliminated the state’s vaccine exemption form? If not, then upon what legal footing does the Unified Government Health Department stop a child from attending school based on a non-willingness to be vaccinated when opting out of vaccinations is exempted under state law in every state of this country?” writes Adachi.

Meanwhile what county health departments and schools cannot do through coercion and color of law the federal government, a foundation-funded PBS, Jim Henson Productions, and the highest levels of government in Kansas will do through slick advertising and deceptive media persuasion.

An earlier attempt by “Sid the Science Kid” to convince children to get vaccinated.
