Daily Mail: Silver really COULD be the new weapon against superbugs


Codex alimentarius would have colloidal silver banned but here is proof it can be used to save lives in the MSM

Silver really COULD be the new weapon against superbugs: Adding it to antibiotics boosts the effectiveness by 1,000 times

Silver could be a precious weapon in the fight against antibiotic resistance.

Scientists have shown that giving tiny amounts of silver at the same time as antibiotics makes the drugs up to a thousand times more effective.

The finding comes in the wake of warnings by Britain’s top doctor that the rise of drug-resistant superbugs could trigger an ‘apocalyptic scenario’ in which even routine operations such as hip surgery become deadly because we have run out of antibiotics.

Read more: Silver really COULD be the new weapon against superbugs: Adding it to antibiotics boosts effectiveness by 1,000 times | Mail Online