The New Health Journalism: Challenging the Status Quo


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A Quiet Place
In October 2009, Barbara Loe Fisher awarded me the Courage in Journalism Award of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). The award certificate reads: “. . . for her vision and journalistic integrity in defending a mother’s right to raise her children in the holistic health tradition.” When Barbara presented me with the award, she added, “for her dedication to improving the health and well-being of mothers and children; for her honest, accurate, and insightful coverage of the vaccine-safety and informed-consent debate; for her leadership in empowering young mothers to make educated, independent health decisions for their children.”
Have to say this editor and publisher of this magazine is really a good choice for this. Mothering Magazine and etc is really good. Expect their online community and which I'm not going into on here.
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