Iodine May Cure Your Diabetes


Article by Dr. Flechas: Orthoiodosupplementation in a Primary Care Practice:

for the full article regarding diabetes go to:

Is There a Diabetes Iodine Link?

Is there a diabetes iodine link? There is some evidence that iodine has a very beneficial effect on blood sugar control. The following note talks about this.

It is from a paper written by a physician name Jorge Flechas, I believe his practice is in North Carolina. Dr Flechas is discussing the use of Iodoral, an iodine supplement to treat fibrocystic breast disease (FBD); while treating a woman for FBD, he discovered a diabetes iodine connection.

Dr. Flechas writes:
"It was while treating a large 320-pound woman with insulin dependent diabetes that we learned a valuable lesson regarding the role of iodine in hormone receptor function.

This woman had come in via the emergency room with a very high random blood sugar of 1,380 mg/dl. She was then started on insulin during her hospitalization and was instructed on the use of a home glucometer. She was to use her glucometer two times per day.

Two weeks later on her return office visit for a checkup of her insulin dependent diabetes she was informed that during her hospital physical examination she was noted to have Fibrocystic Breast Disease.

She was recommended to start on 50 mg of iodine(4 tablets) at that time. One week later she called us requesting to lower the level of insulin due to having problems with hypoglycemia. She was told to continue to drop her insulin levels as long as she was experiencing hypoglycemia and to monitor her blood sugars carefully with her glucometer.

Four weeks later during an office visit her glucometer was downloaded to my office computer, which showed her to have an average random blood sugar of 98. I praised the patient for her diligent efforts to control her diet and her good work at keeping her sugars under control with the insulin.

She then informed me that she had come off her insulin three weeks earlier and had not been taking any medications to lower her blood sugar. When asked what she felt the big change was, she felt that her diabetes was under better control due to the use of iodine.

Two years later and 70 pounds lighter this patient continues to have excellent glucose control on iodine 50 mg per day."

In an interview with Jimmy Moore, Dr. Flechas explained the diabetes iodine interaction: "The iodine attaches itself to hormone receptors within the body and increases the sensitivity of the receptor to its associated hormone. In this patient's case, the iodine increased her sensitivity to the hormone insulin to the point of normalizing her blood sugars."