Leo Zagami - The Illuminati Are Back & Coming to the USA?

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist
I thing Leo Lyon Zagami is a lier but I am posting it anyway, might be something hidden in here!

Welcome to the Gnostic Warrior Radio Show and Podcast. For the second time in a month, I interview Leo Lyon Zagami. Leo talks about his involvement as Grand leo zagami slideMaster of the ORDO


ILLUMINATORUM UNIVERSALIS (Order of the Illuminati), and also the Orthodox Knights of Malta and Knights Templar. He explains his new mission called “Operation Messiah,” and the 7 years of tribulation we have already entered.

In this podcast, Leo talks about both the good and bad sides of the Brotherhood working through the web of various secret societies and knight orders. He also informs us about news in the Vatican, dealing with Pope Francis and the Black Popes

In March, Leo will be coming to the United States with the ORDO ILLUMINATORUM UNIVERSALIS. He plans to initiate others and spread the light to other worthy people into the order.

This interview was conducted by Moe on February 17, 2014 from San Diego County, California, with Leo somewhere in Europe.


The Illuminati Are Back & Coming to the USA ? Leo Lyon Zagami on GW Radio | GnosticWarrior.com