
New member
I know, I know, this goes against everything we've ever been taught, but have you heard about the Hollow Earth Theory? I don't have very rigid beliefs about anything so I go where my research takes me and I find this theory very captivating. There is some serious scientific evidence coming through that planets are naturally hollow. Can anyone provide evidence either for or against this?Edit. Cheese: no sh** sherlock, but lava only goes a few miles down at the most and the earth is thousands of miles wide, so it would be under the lava where the earth begins to be hollow. Plus, since the inside of the earth is lava (a liquid substance) it would make sense that the earth would be hollow and here's why.. If you have a roundish-shaped object like the earth that is solid on the outside and liquid on the inside and then you rotate it at high speeds, the liquid would spread out to the inside of the sphere, therefore making it hollow.Edit2. Kurt: good evidence, but I still think it's possible that a part of the center of the earth could be hollow that your information can't "prove" otherwise, I need more solid evidence. I haven't heard of any movie coming out, I just think this theory is gaining more recognition. I read about it in a book called "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke.Edit3. Shannon, you should consider the possibility that science doesn't know everything. Just because science says something is so doesn't mean it is necessarily true. The best answer so far is from ZoidburgEdit4: Sorry coffee.. never heard of the Art Bell show. But if it talks about the Hollow Earth theory then it probably has a wider range of vision and possibilities than your ignorant narrow-mindedness


New member
The most logical answer is that gravity attracts matter into a solid, uniform shape--a sphere. Spinning a sphere does not create a hollow center; how does that work? There is no known mechanism for a hollow planet, especially when we can directly observe effects like planetary magnetism, internal convection and crustal drift, volcanoes, orbits and tidal forces that predict masses of planets and moons. Those are just a few things from memory which suggest rocky planets are solid to the core.I've read a few "hollow planet" questions recently--is there a movie coming out?


New member
no. The reason the earth has magnetic poles is because there is a big molten ball of iron rotating at the center of the earth. and i mean really big. On top of the iron ball is lava, and the crust is where it hardened. If the earth was hollow, we would not have very much gravitational attraction to the planet at all. Earthquake aftershocks also go through the center of the earth to cause mini-earthquakes on completely different sections of the earth, thousands of miles away. This would not be possible if the Earth were hollow, because these waves of energy would not be able to travel with any sort of strength through a gas, or empty space. Your momentum theory that would cause the liquids to be pushed to the sides would cause catastrophic earthquakes and lava spouts everywhere, because the crust of the earth is less than 50 miles thick, and the mantle is known to be thousands. Think of when the Earth was first created. When the giant ball of magma formed, it created a solid ball and then the surface cooled. If all of the magma was still inside, where would there be any room for it to be hollow? Anyways, that is my opinion on the subject.


New member
If the Earth were hollow we would be able to hear it ringing during earthquakes. We don't, so it's not.