What is the Hollow Earth Theory?

Since You Asked

New member
oh dear, I can only imagine, I have not heard of it. sounds very Vernien to me personallyfound these sites, about ithttp://www.hollowearththeory.com/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollow_earth_theory


New member
in 1864, Jules Verne wrote a book (science fictiion) called "A Journey to the Center of the Earth" where the Earth was hollow. In the story, the charactors discovered an entrance to the interior and once there, could walk around on the inside surface (perhaps like ants could walk on the inside of a basketball). Many people were convinced that the Earth could be hollow, and some do today.From a scientific point of view, this story has not aged quite as well as other Verne stories, since most of his ideas about the interior of the Earth have since been proven incorrect. .


New member
Seems like a silly theory if you ask me. With all the pressure it took to make the Earth, and any planet for that matter, round how would it be hollow? With all the pressures from space and gravity, and the mass of the earth and its components, how would something not implode on its self if it was hollow? It would crush inwards, which it already did upon formation... Im sure there are still people that believe the Earth is the center of the universe too lol, Oye.


New member
It isn't called the Hollow Earth Theory. I think what you're talking about is Neptunism. It was a theory that the world was once covered by a vast ocean that eventually drained into the center of the earth. We know now that it is not valid.


New member
Volcanic, underground activity has made possible....hollow shells/caverns in the earth's crust. so large, that oceans of water can form in them.Life being present, anything is possible, since mankind has found life in the most extreme environments...it is very possible to have life inside the earth, deep down. As long as water is present.Artificial light source? Who knows....