Ways to Meditate


There are many ways to meditate and various types and methods to choose from. The ways to meditate can be chosen based on the reason why a person is meditating or the specific goal that the person wishes to obtain.

One of the most popular ways to meditate is Transcendental meditation or listening to a guided audio meditation.

Basic mediation is also one of the ways to meditate. First remove all the things that might distract you from your meditation and create a quiet place where there will be no disturbances. Decide how long your meditation should be. It can be fifteen minutes, an hour, even five minutes. If you need to, set an alarm. Most people, once they become comfortable with meditation, can tell the amount of time they’ve been meditating by how they feel. Once you’ve done this, settle into a comfortable position. Most of the ways to meditate rely on the position you choose. Finally, if you want to, pick something to reflect on, relax and breathe, filling your mind with just the topic you’ve chosen.
Another way to meditate is by doing a walking meditation. This is one of the ways to meditate that brings awareness to sensations and experiences. Instead of focusing on a thought, focus on how each step feels, concentrate on your body, each move your muscles make as you take a step. The purpose of this type of mediation is to focus on the sensation and experience of walking itself.

Mindfulness mediation is another way to meditate. This form of meditation is to bring awareness to the present moment objectively. This is one of the more difficult ways to meditate since many people tend to subjectively look at an event. Mindfulness mediations turns off any of the emotions that a situation might provoke and simply brings the individual into that moment of time. It is also one of the ways to meditate that can be done with anything at any time of the day, simply by bringing our awareness of a particular event into sharp focus.

Finally, but not least on our list of ways to meditate, is imagery meditation. This form of mediation is as simple as it sounds, and works well for those who seem to have difficulty focusing on just a word or a very specific topic. With this form of mediation, it can be guided imagery where someone describes a scene for you and everyone follows along, building the images and sensations in their minds. Or it can be done individually, with the individual picking a particular relaxing or desirably peaceful location. Remain like this until the guide brings everyone back or until your meditation time is up, then spend a few minutes as with all mediation focusing on the experience, what you discovered or questions that arose. Sometimes it is good with any of the ways of mediating to keep a journal of your experiences and use those during other mediations to bring greater insight into yourself and create a whole picture of a given topic or focus.