Reading is effective against stress


Reading is effective against stress
Monday, April 6, 2009

Six minutes of reading is enough to reduce stress. This is evident from examination of Mindlab International University of Sussex. Reading is faster and better than other methods to calm down, such as listening to music, a nice walk or even sit down with a cup of tea.

According to the researchers, this is because the human spirit than to concentrate on reading. The derivation stories give expression to work on tension in the muscles and heart.

Neurophysiology's David Lewis, who performed the test, says 68 percent of stress can be reduced by reading. Listening to music reduces the stress level by 61 percent, a cup of tea or coffee by 54 percent and a hiking by 42 percent.

It does matter from what book they are reading. "Purely by yourself in a book you can escape from the worries and stress of everyday life," says Lewis.

Source: presence

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