Natural Remedies for Bedwetting


Bedwetting Causes

Bedwetting in children may be due to immature nervous system due to which the child is not able to feel that his bladder is full.
- Sometimes it is also because of small bladder due to which the bladder is not able to hold all the urine produced during the night.- In a very rare case it may be due to some defects in the urinary system.- Some medical conditions like urinary tract infection, constipation, diabetes, sickle-cell anemia, or epilepsy may also cause bedwetting.- Hormonal factors, wherein there is inadequate antidiuretic hormone. This hormone reduces the amount of urine produced by the kidneys.- Spinal cord abnormalities.- Genetic factors.- Deep Sleep.

Natural Remedies

-One hour before going to bed take six to eight oz. of cranberry juice.
- Bedwetting can also be treated using herbs like causticum, lycopodium, ursi, corn silk and pulsatilla.-Before going to bed eat two tsp walnut halves and one tsp raisins.- Drink herbal tea made from herbs like oak bark, horsetail, wormwood or bearberry.- Massage inner thigh of the patient with St. John’s wort oil.- Retention control training - Practice retention control by postponing urination during the day, first by a few minutes and then by gradually increased amounts of time. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles that control urination and also increase the capacity of the bladder.- Avoid taking liquids before bedtime and make sure you empty the bladder before hitting the sack.