Atlanta Tree Service Company Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts Warns Homeowners of Potential Impact of Ice Damage


Atlanta tree service company Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts is advising homeowners to remain mindful of the impact winter ice can have on trees and limbs. The recommendation is supported by Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts' wealth of arboriculture experience in Atlanta tree removal, tree trimming, and storm response.

Ice-damaged trees can split or break in the treetops, causing falling limbs and potential harm to the surrounding property, including homes and cars. Potential hazards are not always apparent to someone without a trained background, which is why a certified arborist is the best individual to assess the health of the tree and the extent of the ice damage.

"Winter places extra stress on all of us, and trees are no different in that respect," explains Gary Robertson, owner of Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts. "Ice, especially, can be very damaging to the health and life of a tree. As temperatures drop and winter storms roll through, keeping an eye on your trees will not only ensure their health, but the protection of your property."

Trees that are the most susceptible to ice damage and the resulting cracking and breaking are Chinese and Siberian elms, poplars, silver maples, birches and willows. These types of trees have brittle wood and develop weak, V-shaped crotches that easily split apart under added weight.

After enduring an ice storm, the amount of damage to trees should be evaluated as well as the extent of maintenance that is needed.

Small broken limbs should be removed and pruned immediately, which can often be performed by the homeowner. Generally, if the branch has not split away from the trunk, the broken segment should be removed back to the next major adjacent branch. Proper pruning prevents future damage.

Larger limbs and greater damage are should be handled by professional Atlanta tree services. If the whole side or top of a tree is broken or damaged, the tree may not be able to survive. A certified arborist will evaluate whether a severely damaged tree can be salvaged or should be removed and replaced. Broken limbs around power lines should always be handled by professionals.

Years of Atlanta tree service have allowed Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts to respond to storm damage calls of all degrees. Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts prides itself on the dependable and thorough service it provides to homeowners and their ice-damaged trees.