
March 16,09

The recent horrific multiple murders in Alabama and Germany have monopolized the airwaves in the corpo-media for the past two days, to the point which one has to wonder if there’s an ulterior motive behind it.

Sure, the stories make for sensationalist news, worthy of anything that might come from the Enquirer or the Sun. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trivializing these acts in any way, shape or form. These are heinous crimes and the perpetrators got off rather easy in my estimation (both were suicides, one by cop).

But it’s the timing of these events that get my gray matter to spit and sputter into action. The synchronicity of it all is just too obvious to ignore.

Are these random quantum events, or is there a deeper agenda here?

Some people claim that these attacks are orchestrated by the NWO through mind control of the shooters in order to get anti-gun legislation passed. In fact, this has already occurred in Europe:

Several European countries have restricted gun laws in the wake of school massacres, gang violence and other gun-related crimes:

_Finland announced plans Wednesday to impose stricter restrictions on firearms, including raising the minimum age for handgun ownership from 15 to 20. The proposal was prompted by two school massacres within a year in which lone gunmen opened fire on classmates and teachers.

_Germany, where a gunman killed at least 11 people Wednesday, raised the legal age for owning recreational firearms from 18 to 21 following a 2002 shooting in Erfurt that killed 16 people, including 12 teachers.

_Belgian lawmakers passed strict new gun control laws in 2006 in reaction to the racially motivated shooting deaths of a toddler and her black baby sitter in Antwerp.

_Swiss citizens are demanding a referendum aimed at confining army weapons to military compounds and banning private purchases of pump-action rifles and automatic weapons — following a spate of suicides and homicides.

_The Portuguese Parliament is currently discussing a government proposal to tighten gun laws, including denying bail to anyone suspected of a gun crime. (link)

Nevermind the fact that it’s the people who pull the triggers, not the guns themselves.

Of course the citizenry thinks that if guns are outlawed, that’ll solve the problem.

But they better rethink that, if hard-core members of international gangs such as MS-13 keep gaining numbers through the growing Great Recession, guns will be the least of the problems besetting society and these gangs have no problem what-so-ever obtaining and using illegal firearms.

So why the mind-control meme?

Many conspiracy theorists will tell you that the American 2nd Amendment (the right to keep and bear arms) is the last bastion of the US citizenry’s right to protect their private property. In order to bring about and enforce a world socialist State, a totalitarian government has to find a way to disarm its citizens. An armed public is rather dangerous to handle, even with modern war-tech to back you up.

And I haven’t seen an army yet willing to take on 100 million armed people, who at least own one shotgun.

So what do you do?

One way, and it’s a tried and true method used by intelligence agencies worldwide, is to use Manchurian Candidates, or sleeper agents.

The methods to control sleepers vary, but one major way is to use psychotropic drugs , typically antidepressants.

And coincidentally, the recent mass murders were committed by people under the influence of antidepressants:

A 17-year-old former student opened fire near Stuttgart, Germany, killing at least 16 people. The teenager was a former student at a Winnenden school, where he initiated the shooting spree. Three teachers and at least 10 students were killed by his actions.

The media is reporting that Tim Kretschmer, “walked calmly into three classrooms and opened fire, without saying a word.” Following the shooting at his school, Tim ran to a psychiatric clinic school and killed an employee there. (Did he have a link to the psychiatric staff members there?)

A day earlier, a man in his mid-30’s opened fire in Alabama, killing ten people before he was shot and killed by law enforcement.
It’s the medication, not the firearms
In seeing the news reports on these events, the ignorant masses quite predictably leaped to the conclusion that “guns are the problem.” Apparently in their minds, these shootings were carried out solely by guns and have nothing whatsoever to do with the people pulling the triggers. But the truth is far more insidious: It is the psychiatric medications that are causing violent shooting sprees in America, Germany and elsewhere. (link)

Okay you might ask, how do alphabet soup agencies figure in here?

Ever hear of a little known project called MKUltra?

Check out this little number from Senator Ted Kennedy in a 1977 senate investigation committee report (Wikipedia, yeah, I know):

The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an “extensive testing and experimentation” program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens “at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.” Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to “unwitting subjects in social situations.” At least one death, that of Dr. [Frank] Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.

A lot of the tests involved LSD, but obviously the chemicals have improved significantly in the ensuing 32 years.

Are world governments using MKUltra methods for these senseless murders in order to spread fear among the world’s population so the hue and cry of “gun control” will drown out all voices of reason and sanity?

Or are all these attacks, and those that have happened over the past 10 years just coincidence and just bad flips of the coin of probabilities?

I suggest do your studying before giving a knee-jerk reaction that could spell dire consequences for us all.
