
Truth feeder


This is a special alert from Alex Jones reminding everyone out there that my latest documentary movie, Fall Of The Republic, lands on October 21st and that we need everyone to see this film, make copies, and spread the information virally to achieve an even bigger impact than we did with The Obama Deception, which has woken up so many people to the almighty fraud that is being perpetrated under the guise of an administration that promised “change” yet has advanced the agenda of the new world order at lightening speed.

Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency. A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet. A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

With legislation racing through Congress and the Senate that will fundamentally alter our standard of living and serve as the entrée for the next, and potentially final, round of globalist looting, the increasingly irate grass roots of America is all that stands in the way of the complete transformation of the United States into a banana republic micromanaged by control freaks who seek to regulate, tax and rule over every aspect of our private lives.

Only by expanding the growing popular*fight back against this tyranny can we have any chance of stopping it in its tracks, and Fall Of The Republic will be your weapon to unlock minds and tear down the support pillars of the left-right paradigm that still uphold the “pimp game” being run against us all by the bankster gangsters, the globalists, and their front men like Barack H. Obama.

This may be the fall of the Republic, but it will also come to be known as the rise of the resistance!

Prison Planet.tv subscribers will be the first to see this documentary in high quality online streaming and download on October 21st. Go to http://prisonplanet.tv/ to subscribe now or pre-order the DVD from the online store at http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net/faofreprofba.html or by calling 1-888-253-3139.

Yours In Freedom,
Alex Jones.



Truth feeder
?Fall of the Republic? unveils Obama?s agenda for the destruction of America

Aaron Dykes
October 9, 2009

As a member of both the editing crew, as well as the camera crew for Alex’s upcoming “Fall of the Republic,” I can say with sincerity that is more than just a film, it is has been a veritable odyssey of many months and hundreds of hours of video to not only analyze and uncover the agenda of Obama and his handlers, but to delve into the roots of good government and the age-old struggle for liberty in the face of tyranny.

The United States’ shift from the Constitution and Bill of Rights has been part of a larger shift of culture, undermining sovereignty and much bigger and older than Obama, Bush or Clinton, or any one President alone.

Over the course of interviewing more than 20 Ph.Ds, researchers and other experts in places from Ontario, Canada, to Washington, D.C. to Miami, Kansas City, upstate New York, Seattle, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Philadelphia and more, the film project became larger than just one volume.​

Trailer 2 – Fall of the Republic
Big picture experts and historians such as Dr. Webster Tarpley, Alan Watt and G. Edward Griffin, alongside legal and constitutional expert Dr. Francis Boyle, former fraud regulator and Professor of Law William K. Black and stock & trade expert Max Keiser all compliment the research and analysis put forward by Alex Jones in his most expansive and powerful film project to date.

Early on in the long 2008 presidential primary, Alex identified Barack Obama as just another front man for the same system that would have continued under George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or John McCain. Since his inauguration, Alex has been at the forefront of exposing the real agenda of the Obama Administration.

(presented now on DVD for the first time) and compel him to address the real questions about 9/11, Alex Jones shown the continuation of the Bush & Clinton regimes through Obama.

Some nine months into the Obama Administration, Alex and Infowars.com are still at the forefront of asking the real questions about the unprecedented rise to power of Barack H. Obama. All the more timely because it was also reported that Alex Jones was among those on a “White House enemies list,” according to the tabloid The Globe.​

Production Stills for Fall of the Republic: Some 15 expert interviews, over six months of production in more than 17 locations across the U.S. and Canada.
Only weeks before the release of Fall of the Republic, Obama has usurped, unconstitutionally, an additional title in violation of Article I Section 9 in the Constitution, by heading the Security Council at the United Nations. His Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, too, has flirted with power, taking her turn at presiding over the international body and reveling in undermining the Constitution of the United States.

Fall of the Republic goes in-depth on the financial looting and deep degradation of our system of checks and balances in the undue power granted to the Federal Reserve system. It also exposes the carbon tax agenda that Al Gore and his allies seek to impose upon the American people. Climatologist Tim Ball not only exposes the phony scientific conclusions advanced by Gore and the highly-politicized IPCC, he also unveils the backroom collaboration by Gore with Ken Lay, the former CEO of Enron and Lord Browne, head of the world’s largest oil company, BP, in a scheme to make money off a manufactured crisis and help rebrand its affiliated companies as "green."

Dr. Francis Boyle, a constitutional lawyer also analyzes Obama’s actions in continuing a number of controversial actions started under Bush or presidents before him—from wars, the indefinite detention, to signing statements and more. "Obama," Boyle says, "was a constitutional lawyer; he should know better.”

Though he has willing sold out and America, and been put into office by powerful forces. At a base level, it’s a struggle for humanity, for due process and for a just and right balance of power that is timeless, and certainly at the heart of an important struggle for the a system defined in America but in the process of transforming into something else—where our rights are not guaranteed and our lives become increasingly controlled scientifically, systematically and slowly.

“With Bush, you knew exactly what you were getting. There was no iron fist in a velvet glove, it was just an iron fist, whereas with Obama you’ve got the iron glove in the iron fist. You know, very sharp guy, very smooth, knows exactly what he’s doing—for that reason far more dangerous than Bush,” says Boyle.

Boyle points out, many of the articles of impeachment introduced by Congressman Kucinich against President Bush—which included 33 items introduced, and some 60 considered by Kucinich—would, unfortunately, apply to Obama as well.

Max Keiser says he gave Obama a chance. He thought it premature to criticize him before taking action in office. “Now that he’s been in office a while, it’s obvious that he’s very tight with the Goldman Sachs and JP Morgans on Wall Street.”

Keiser highlights the actions of figures such as Robert Rubin and Larry Summers in the Clinton Administration. As Max Keiser, William Black, Wayne Madsen, Webster Tarpley and others all illustrate throughout the film, Rubin & Summers took action to set-up the financial landscape for the rampant, Wild West looting that took place during the Bush Administration without any interference from regulatory heads clearly in-bed with the tight Wall Street-clique.

Now, the very figures who contributed knowingly to the crisis of speculative, toxic paper and economic chaos—Rubin and Summers, among others—are now in charge of “solving the problem” and accelerating the corporate welfare, treasury-assisted transfer of wealth from the once prosperous American people to the dominant minority.​

Trailer 1- Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama
Keiser later calls these figures “arsonists” asking Congress vis-à-vis the Bailout for ‘more matches.’ Congress, he indicates, is readily aiding the financial destruction, handing a blank check to unchecked power, which has cashed it out to Wall Street cronies, foreign banks and beyond. Congress is essentially asking “where do we send the matches to?” “Is a ton of matches enough.”

The presence of figures like Paul Volcker even more so ties the financial takeover back to the interests of the Federal Reserve cartel and political powers dating back to at least the Carter Administration. Tim Geithner, as Secretary of the Treasury, had his last job with the NY Federal Reserve. And Obama has readily empowered expanded power for the Fed and reappointed Ben Bernanke even as Congress demands in open hearings to know the details about its transactions and institutional secrecy.

Fall of the Republic exposes the struggle to reign in the Federal Reserve through glimpses of more than 6 months of Congressional hearings, and a widespread, grassroots movement that has culminated under the banner of Ron Paul’s “End the Fed” bills.

While Congressmen from all stripes in both the House and Senate join that struggle and demand accountability for undisclosed lending, limitless printing and unknown arrangements between central banks and financial institutions around the world, the people are making their voices known at Townhall meetings and in city squares across the country. Many just want less spending and less government, and many others are now demanding publicly that the private Federal Reserve be abolished.

“If you think you’re the same as the bankers, you’re wrong,” says Webster Tarpley, who has written two biographies on Barack H. Obama and done extensive research into his backers. "Oligarchs are in a different world all together, with values opposite to human values." The shift of power towards greater oligarchical rule—where the productive, industrial bases are totally eroded and the once happy and wealthy middle class is now eroded almost completely has now taken place in America.

Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente poses the question: ‘How can a country producing almost nothing print money without limit?’ The crash is, he suggests, all but inevitable. “There’s going to be a global currency,” he warns.

And he’s not alone. Geithner’s comment about embracing IMF Special Drawing Rights lays that globalization agenda bare. Tarpley warns about the “rush for the exits” by countries such as China and Japan, who hold dollars in the trillions and are seeking to drop them. The result, is a dire threat of hyper-inflation. “Once the dollar starts to go… there’s no useful way to stop it.” Tarpley warns.

Alan Watt, too, warns, "We are rapidly becoming a non-manufacturing country—undermining sovereignty and sustainability." He calls it simply “a more sophisticated form of slavery.”

G. Edward Griffin who wrote the seminal work exposing the Federal Reserve in ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’ shows how the creation of that institution makes economic crisis inevitable, because the fiat money system can be expanding at will through printing.

“In fact,” Griffin says, “When the founders of the Federal Reserve system met on Jekyll Island in 1910 and were drafting the Federal Reserve Act, one of the things they discussed was how to pass on the inevitable losses to the taxpayers. They knew that inevitably this would happen and there had to be some way to get out of it without destroying the banks… there’s no reason to believe the U.S. was given a ‘get out of jail free’ card or exemption.”

This meshes directly with information given by Wayne Paul in ‘The Obama Deception’, brother of Congressman Ron Paul, outside of an ‘End the Fed’ rally in Dallas. Wayne explains that it took only a generation after the passing of the Federal Reserve Act for our children to be pledged as collateral on the debt created by the fiat currency system.

Just as astounding are the actions taken by the Treasury department under Bush’s Secretary Hank Paulson and Obama’s Tim Geithner. One of the most stunning clips in Fall of the Republic comes when Paulson, a Goldman Sachs insider, explains in heavy breath and stuttered speech why he never recused himself from the self-evident conflicts of interest in his actions, but instead procured a “waiver” from an ethics advisory board within the White House Administration. A waiver?

It’s a scheme as age old as war, and the practice of funding the debt of both sides of a war. It’s incumbent to the development any major industry in any nation for the past 500 years—to skew the system towards a debt-burden to be place upon the population.

Alan Watt points to that historical trend, and goes a long way in suggesting that we are seeing a continuation of a combine that was in place many hundreds of years ago. It’s face has been the great & terrible Robber Barons of the late 19th Century, the takeover of European finance by the Rothschilds family, the quests for global domination by groups like the Cecil Rhodes Round Table or the Fabian Socialists. According to Watt, it also goes back to actions undertaken by John Dee and other consorts of Queen Elizabeth I to act in accord on account of a large swatch of allied-economic and political interests.

In the modern era, we see great blocks of nations implementing identical policies and pursuing similar agendas, acting in accord and in cooperation with the United Nations treaty and other international aims.​

Fall of the Republic – TRAILER 3 – Mind Control
‘Fall of the Republic’ goes far beyond the words and actions of Barack Obama and his controllers to the TV-based mind control that allows their dark agenda to take hold in the minds of the general public.​

It poses the larger questions about our society and asks the average person to turn things around. Alan Watt, G. Edward Griffin, Alex Jones and others pull back the curtain and expose one of the shadow government’s most powerful tools ever crafted.

Somewhere behind the undue power seized by Washington and the disenfranchisement and debasing of the American people is a bigger picture still. Fall of the Republic takes you there, unveiling the power of the medium itself– TV and the mind control operation that has convinced a once strong people to sit back and allow the takeover to go forward uncontested.

It is clear that the Republic is indeed in great danger, and we must become aware and speak out to have any effect in stop a complete loss of our Constitution and our sovereignty. The Fall of the Republic is Alex Jones’ greatest video effort yet to bring that to the attention of the American people and demand that something be done.

We even looked back to the United States’ founding and met with the Oath Keepers on the anniversary of the Battle of Lexington in Massachusetts, the formative and first battle of the American Revolution, putting into perspective what it is that is being lost in the ‘Fall of the Republic’ and with it the greatness that has been America under the good guidance of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

So too, that group of former military and police officers, and legal scholars to boot, took a formative look at the fundamental importance of our form of government and the solemn, sacred oaths that all officers and representatives of that special self-government take to uphold and defend. (Look for an in-depth special presentation on the Battle of Lexington and orders that Oath Keepers will not obey on the Fall of the Republic DVD extras; pre-order here today).

For well over a decade, Alex has been breaking through the mental barriers presented by the left-right paradigm, and hidden behind the PR-crafted buzzwords that have come to define economic understanding, the illusive relationship between government control & monetary policy.

With the dark eugenical policies of population reduction advocated by those in the Obama Administration like Science Czar John P. Holdren and to agenda to control all commerce, industry and homes through the carbon tax schemes, Alex has also endured attempts trite accusations of “racism” and attempts to silence free speech and control dissent during campaigns.

Help him fight back by getting this DVD and sharing its most important and well-researched information with the people you know. Unless we take action, these problems will only further deteriorate.

– Aaron Dykes, assistant editor, cameraman and researcher on Fall of the Republic; on DVD October 21st.



Truth feeder
Fall of the Republic: Crash Course in the Globalist Agenda

Kurt Nimmo
October 10, 2009

The latest endeavor of Alex Jones, Fall of the Republic, will make you angry.

How can it not? It lays out in precise detail the long-running plot by a cabal of global elitists to take over the world and deliver humanity into grinding slavery and usher in a new Dark Age. It spells out how the elite have worked tirelessly to bankrupt a once proud, industrious, and self-reliant nation through financial terrorism. Fall of the Republic warns what is in store for us if we do not wake up and take back our country and restore its once cherished tradition of liberty and limited government.

Barack Obama is but the latest front man for this criminal effort. Fall of the Republic reveals how all presidents of the modern era are bought and paid for creatures of a predatory global financial elite. It shows how Democrats and Republicans are flip sides of the same coin in the pocket of the banksters and their minions.

Flash player required to see video

The documentary shows how the same Wall Street operatives working in the Clinton and Bush administrations are now active under the cover of Obama, a man shrewdly sold by the Madison Avenue gang as an agent of change. Once elected and installed, Obama soon betrayed the naïve expectations of an easily fooled and misled public. From executive signing statements to the continuation of war and electronic surveillance, Obama quickly demonstrated he is no different than those who came before him.

Fall of the Republic begins by documenting how a shadowy cartel of international and offshore banksters destroyed the U.S. economy and are now in the process of using this engineered destruction to push for a global economic scheme of centralized banking, world government, and control of populations through phony environmentalism and fear of manufactured terrorism. It shows how the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and operatives of the largest and most powerful banks on the planet have worked together to devise a tyrannical and corporate high-tech fascist totalitarian superstate.

It moves on to explain how the global warming junk science scam is being ruthlessly exploited to sell the public on carbon taxes that will be handed over to the same global elite and transnational corporations. Fall of the Republic documents how the manufactured illusion of over population and climate change sold by the likes of Al Gore will be used to control the American people through home inspections and punitive fines for crimes such as allowing the faucet to run while you brush your teeth. It reveals how our children are being trained through public education and popular culture to be environmental cops and neighborhood snoops ratting out their parents and peers for “carbon footprint” crimes such as taking hot baths or leaving the lights on.

Finally, Fall of the Republic documents how local law enforcement around the country has been systematically federalized and is now being used to intimidate the citizenry and deny them their most elemental rights guaranteed under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The film shows how the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security now act as a political police force and work with domestic police agencies in violation of Posse Comitatus. The so-called war on terror is not about al-Qaeda and other bad guys (created by the CIA). It is about targeting the American people, especially those who value liberty and have decided to resist the New World Order and its agents in the federal government.

Fall of the Republic will make you angry. It is up to you to channel that anger in constructive ways and hopefully become an agent of change. Begin the process by purchasing this important film and showing it to your family, friends, and neighbors.

The corporate media and its outlets will certainly ignore Fall of the Republic. It is up to us to spread the word. The future of the country – and that of our children – hangs in the balance.

Subscribe to prisonplanet.tv to watch Fall Of The Republic in high quality online streaming format first.



Truth feeder
Fall Of The Republic Exposes How Financial Terrorists Are Imposing Global Enslavement

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, October 20, 2009


While the criminals who have hijacked the world financial system continue to pose as saviors and swallow up more power in the name of fixing the very problems that they created, Alex Jones latest documentary blockbuster Fall Of The Republic exposes the real agenda of the financial terrorists who have bankrupted America in their quest for world domination and global serfdom.

The majority of Fall Of The Republic is devoted to an in-depth investigation into how the vultures of global corporatism exploited the engineered financial meltdown to begin the step by step implementation of their economic new world order – a parasitical financial system expertly crafted to benefit the elite few while destroying the living standards of the middle class and sinking the planet into a new dark age.

The film opens with an analysis of Brand Obama and why the cult of personality that has been built around the President makes him far more of a danger to America than Bush could ever be.

Max Keiser, G. Edward Griffin, John Perkins, Wayne Madsen and others discuss how Obama’s continuation of the Bush financial policy proves that he is merely a front man for the same banking interests that have ruled America since the introduction of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

The film explains how corporations were allowed to be transformed from relatively small and scrutinized operations to the position they occupy today, transnational behemoths that dictate the rules to governments, the press and the people through their monopolized ownership structures.

The goal of the men who run these global corporations and the banking oligarchies that are allied with them is the complete subjugation of free enterprise in America and a general lowering of living standards via Malthusian policies of micromanagement and oppression, as the film documents.

The demise of the dollar and its replacement with a global currency controlled solely by the IMF and the World Bank is the next step in the agenda to centralize world financial power into the hands of a rapidly decreasing inner circle of elitists.

The second half of the film exposes Obama’s lies in a way yet to be witnessed in documentary format, surpassing even The Obama Deception in its devastating demolition of the notion that Obama represented a “change” from the policies enacted under George W. Bush.

From executive signing statements to the continuation of war and electronic surveillance, to his hiring of lobbyists, to prosecuting those who tortured, and particularly his promise to freeze taxes for those who earn below $250,000 a year, Obama has betrayed every promise he made before even reaching the end of his first year in office.​

Crucially, Fall Of The Republic devotes times to an exploration of how all this tyranny is being accomplished with relatively little unrest on behalf of the masses, through social engineering and sophisticated public relations brainwashing being carefully massaged into popular culture, Hollywood, sports, and television.

Perhaps the most important segment of the film is devoted to how the fraud of man-made global warming is being interwoven into every aspect of our lives in order to mandate the plan for a global carbon tax along with stifling levels of bureaucracy, regulation and control.

Climatologist Timothy F. Ball, Ph. D explains how the establishment has used intimidation, smear and fear as a means of silencing skeptical voices by equating any doubt towards man-made global warming with holocaust denial.

Webster Tarpley highlights how radical environmentalists and fanatic Malthusians now find themselves in positions of key advisory roles to Presidents and Prime Ministers, overseeing the agenda to equate the life cycle itself as an assault on Mother Earth while calling for genocidal policies of mass population reduction.

Fall Of The Republic expertly exposes how cap and trade and the carbon trading market being set up by people like Al Gore and the Rothschild family will benefit to the tune of billions and eventually trillions of dollars the very people who are claiming it is needed to combat the manufactured hoax of man-made climate change.

The film documents how the legislation being passed in the name of combating climate change does little other than crush free enterprise and introduce nightmare levels of federal government power while doin

The final topic covered in the film is the issue of how local and state law enforcement is being taken over at the federal level as cops are trained to be secret police and treat every American citizen as a potential terrorist. The movie exposes how preachers, boy scouts and girl scouts, and the public in general are being trained to spy on the American people in federally operated Stasi-style informant programs.

Northcom is moving hundreds of thousands of active duty troops inside the United States to deal with expected unrest as the takeover of the country accelerates, allowing the nation to be looted and stolen in broad daylight.

The film ends by offering the viewer a choice. Either American citizens can follow the hundreds of nations that have fallen to tyranny over the last few centuries alone, or they can draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough by beginning to take back and restore what once was America.

Future generations will look back at this moment in history and learn about how it was either the time when the planet fell into the merciless grip of a high-tech tyranny, or when free-thinking people all over the globe rose in unison to defend the most basic rights of mankind against the rampaging, bloodthirsty, inhumane and dictatorial force of the new world order.

Fall Of The Republic is just one of many tools that will aid the planet in waking from its collective slumber and coming to the understanding that if we don’t stop this agenda in its tracks now, a never-ending dark age for humanity could once again envelop the world and make our current problems look like a relative utopia in comparison with what the global elite have planned for us over the next 100 years.

Fall Of The Republic lands on October 21st. Order the DVD here or watch the film in high quality online at Prison Planet.tv by clicking here to subscribe.

Watch all the trailers for Fall of The Republic below.​



Truth feeder
Be Part Of The Spiritual Renaissance of the 21st Century


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

With the establishment at every level desperately attempting to extinguish the simmering fires of fury now burning within the psyche of grass roots America, devastated at the effect The Obama Deception had in unlocking people from the hypnotic trance of the left-right paradigm, Fall Of The Republic arrives to deliver the sucker punch to the new world order.

Resistance to tyranny is spreading like wildfire all around us as the masses finally begin the long process of awakening to the agenda of the globalists that targets them for total domination and the elimination of all human freedom and dignity.

But only with the activism of you, the front line soldier in the Infowar, can we ever hope to reach more people and accelerate the transformation of understanding now enveloping the planet as the new world order similarly accelerates its programs of world government and global enslavement in the knowledge that their time is running out.

We are putting out this urgent call to action to everyone reading these words – get Fall Of The Republic – get the DVD or download a high-quality version at Prison Planet.tv – make copies and hand them out, seed the online version to the four corners of the Internet. Spread the truth virally and help us reach tens of millions of people, just as we did with The Obama Deception.

This is not just about opening minds, its about saving souls from eternal bondage to the new world order system that seeks to strip them completely of their true inherent shining spark of humanity and love.

This is your chance to be part of history, to stand up for freedom, to stand up for humanity and become part of the solution that finally defeats the dark agenda of the new world order and leads to the spiritual renaissance of the 21st century.

Fall Of The Republic lands tomorrow, October 21st. Order the DVD here or watch the film in high quality online at Prison Planet.tv by clicking here to subscribe.


The movie documents in devastating fashion how the cap and tade/carbon trading scam is the engine behind global government, and how those who call for a carbon tax to fight global warming are the very people who will financially benefit from such a system to the tune of billions.


Alan Watt discusses how empires and tyrannys throughout history have always sought to enslave the masses by lowering their living standards.


Market trader and financial television host Max Keiser unveils how financial terrorists have hijacked the U.S. government and looted the nation.


Veteran author and speaker G. Edward Griffin explains how the Republic is falling.


The film explains how corporations were allowed to be transformed from relatively small and scrutinized operations to the position they occupy today, transnational behemoths that dictate the rules to governments, the press and the people through their monopolized ownership structures.


Climatologist Timothy F. Ball, Ph. D explains how the establishment has used intimidation, smear and fear as a means of silencing skeptical voices by equating any doubt towards man-made global warming with holocaust denial.


The second half of the film exposes Obama’s lies in a way yet to be witnessed in documentary format, surpassing even The Obama Deception in its devastating demolition of the notion that Obama represented a “change” from the policies enacted under George W. Bush.


The film ends by offering the viewer a choice. Either American citizens can follow the hundreds of nations that have fallen to tyranny over the last few centuries alone, or they can draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough by beginning to take back and restore what once was America.


Northcom is moving hundreds of thousands of active duty troops inside the United States to deal with expected unrest as the takeover of the country accelerates, allowing the nation to be looted and stolen in broad daylight.


The film opens with an analysis of Brand Obama and why the cult of personality that has been built around the President makes him far more of a danger to America than Bush could ever be.


Webster Tarpley highlights how radical environmentalists and fanatic Malthusians now find themselves in positions of key advisory roles to Presidents and Prime Ministers, overseeing the agenda to equate the life cycle itself as an assault on Mother Earth while calling for genocidal policies of mass population reduction.


Future generations will look back at this moment in history and learn about how it was either the time when the planet fell into the merciless grip of a high-tech tyranny, or when free-thinking people all over the globe rose in unison to defend the most basic rights of mankind against the rampaging, bloodthirsty, inhumane and dictatorial force of the new world order.



Truth feeder
Fall Of The Republic Offers Mankind A Choice Of Two Futures


A real life dystopia reveals how we can achieve a real life utopia

Steve Watson
Tuesday, Oct 20, 2009

“When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”
- Benjamin Franklin

Fall Of The Republic gives one a sense of a much greater awakening than any previous Alex Jones film.​

An appropriate analogy would be to say that Jones’ previous works, Terrorstorm, Endgame and The Obama Deception are akin to the comprehension extending monoliths in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Fall Of The Republic
, however, is the consciousness expanding stargate that those earlier artifacts point toward. Indeed, its themes and concerns echo those of the Kubrick classic – the progression of mankind, the sacrifices we must make and the forces we must overcome in forging our future.​

The filmcannot be classed as a single issue documentary. It is at once both a commentary on and an expose of the world we live in. At it’s core, like our modern society, the film revolves around the global economic system and those who seek to control it.​

For the better part of a century this all encompassing system has operated as a total parasite on the populations of this planet. It has been carefully aligned to benefit an elite few while degrading the standard of life for everyone else it comes into contact with.​

Now it has become more than clear that this is the case, public anger is prominent. The people want to know who exactly is to blame for the turmoil we’ve been burdened with, why power hungry oligarchs continue to prosper at the expense of the free world, and what can be done to reverse this course of corruption.​

While Michael Moore waves a general finger in the direction of “Capitalism”, without ever identifying who that really encompasses, Alex Jones grabs you by the scruff of the neck and and marches you straight into central headquarters of the culprits.​

Fall Of The Republic exposes the vultures of global corporatism whose continued existence depends wholly upon their ability to trigger and manipulate financial meltdown as and when they choose.​

This is key, because without a widespread understanding of this, the kingpins of the predatory system will continue to prosper unabated at the expense of everyone else on the planet.​

Fall of the Republic
exposes the reasons why we have not lived under a free market or benefited from free enterprise for generations, and why this has been so intrinsic in the shift toward a global centralization of power and influence.​

*Analysis from Max Keiser, G. Edward Griffin, John Perkins, Wayne Madsen and others brings into stark contrast how a consistent continuation of the same financial policy across governments exposes their status as fronts for an evergreen financial cartel that has used America as it’s engine since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.​

The latest brand of government in the shape of Barack Obama represents an amplification of the march toward global serfdom, continuing the very same process while falsely labeling it as progress and change.​


Fall Of The Republic also explores how popular culture has become a device to both advance this agenda, through social engineering, and to quell those who would resist it with the championing of superficiality.​

The film also charts the continuing rise of a police state that operates where such softer approaches cannot reach. As you will see, an evolution of sorts has taken place whereby the people are now recruited as part of the enforcement grid, to keep each other in line with the system being forged around us.​

In the face of this push to plunge the world into a new dark age, the conclusion of Fall Of The Republic offers a glimpse of a time in which the tyranny of such New World Order elitism has been defeated and rejected.​

The film emphasizes how we truly are at a nexus point in history, and that we still have the power to forge a future built on the foundations of freedom, equality and progress for all mankind, in spite of the consistent attacks those rights and virtues are being subjected to with every passing second.​

The second you finish watching the film you will want to share the insights it provides with others. Fall Of The Republic feels less an Alex Jones film than a communal experience, something we are witnessing here and now all around us, and something that we must understand together in order to survive with our freedoms intact.​

Stock your arsenal of truth with this DVD. Simply purchase a copy at the Infowars store.​

Alternatively, a subscription to Prisonplanet.tv, for just $5.95 per month will enable you to watch the film immediately in super hi-res quality. You may also download the film, burn copies and get the word out. In addition you will receive access to ALL previous Alex Jones films, countless other documentaries and video reports, as well as 4+ hours of streaming video added every day.

Watch the trailers for Fall Of The Republic Below:​




Truth feeder
Director Alex Jones warns that we must halt the ?Fall of the Republic? planned for th

Aaron Dykes
October 21, 2009

Director of the new film‘Fall of the Republic’, debuting today, Alex Jones calls on supporters and fellow patriots to stand up for liberty against the enemies of the Republic.

This film sets aim on exposing the dire threat posed by the globalists’ system, which seek to undermine the United States and to bring to a halt the offshore bankers looting our treasury dry. America has been targeted for destruction, and unless good people everywhere stand up for her, the last vestiges of true freedom will be destroyed.

From the bailout, to the carbon tax and the death of the Dollar, it is clear that Barack Obama and his globalist masters are poised to bring to down the United States and crystalize the world system that has been planned for this time.

Alex puts the true threat into perspective and urges people to see our dire situation for what it is is– the final gasp of a nation defined by its unbound potential whose leaders were bound by the chains of the Constitution, as the Founding Fathers intended. This film underscores this vital message, released today on DVD at Infowars.com or online at PrisonPlanet.tv and spread it everywhere. Only by taking a bold stance for liberty can we stave off those bringing in destruction.

This film contains vital information on decoding the attack against humanity and fighting back to save it. Featuring experts including Alan Watt, Webster Tarpley, Max Keiser, G. Edward Griffin, William K. Black, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, George Humphrey, Tim Ball, Dr. Francis Boyle, Wayne Madsen and more, it is everything you need to pierce the armor of the New World Order propaganda machine.

The time is now, and this is more than just a film. ‘Fall of the Republic’ is a chance to reclaim our rights as a people and take back sovereignty over our lives. Our very way of life is being challenged, and we must not allow the Republic to fall.

Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations’ Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.

A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.

A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world’s savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.

This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.

TODAY is the release of “Fall of the Republic” — please visit INFOWARS.COM or PRISONPLANET.TV and help spread this film right away. Life, liberty and the fate of this nation are at all stake.

Fall Of The Republic is just one of many tools that will aid the planet in waking from its collective slumber and coming to the understanding that if we don’t stop this agenda in its tracks now, a never-ending dark age for humanity could once again envelop the world and make our current problems look like a relative utopia in comparison with what the global elite have planned for us over the next 100 years.​

Fall Of The Republic lands on October 21st. Order the DVD here or watch the film in high quality online at Prison Planet.tv by clicking here to subscribe.​

Watch all the trailers for Fall of The Republic below.​

Watch all the trailers for Fall of The Republic below.​



Truth feeder
Smashing The Lies And Tyranny With Fall Of The Republic


Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fall Of The Republic is now streaming live for Prison Planet.tv members in super high-quality flash format along with Windows Media, QuickTime and DivX downloads. Click here to subscribe and watch the film right now!

Fall Of The Republic gives one a sense of a much greater awakening than any previous Alex Jones film.​

An appropriate analogy would be to say that Jones’ previous works, Terrorstorm, Endgame and The Obama Deception are akin to the comprehension extending monoliths in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Fall Of The Republic
, however, is the consciousness expanding stargate that those earlier artifacts point toward. Indeed, its themes and concerns echo those of the Kubrick classic – the progression of mankind, the sacrifices we must make and the forces we must overcome in forging our future.​

The filmcannot be classed as a single issue documentary. It is at once both a commentary on and an expose of the world we live in. At it’s core, like our modern society, the film revolves around the global economic system and those who seek to control it.​

For the better part of a century this all encompassing system has operated as a total parasite on the populations of this planet. It has been carefully aligned to benefit an elite few while degrading the standard of life for everyone else it comes into contact with.​

Now it has become more than clear that this is the case, public anger is prominent. The people want to know who exactly is to blame for the turmoil we’ve been burdened with, why power hungry oligarchs continue to prosper at the expense of the free world, and what can be done to reverse this course of corruption.​

While Michael Moore waves a general finger in the direction of “Capitalism”, without ever identifying who that really encompasses, Alex Jones grabs you by the scruff of the neck and and marches you straight into central headquarters of the culprits.​

Fall Of The Republic exposes the vultures of global corporatism whose continued existence depends wholly upon their ability to trigger and manipulate financial meltdown as and when they choose.​

This is key, because without a widespread understanding of this, the kingpins of the predatory system will continue to prosper unabated at the expense of everyone else on the planet.​

Fall of the Republic
exposes the reasons why we have not lived under a free market or benefited from free enterprise for generations, and why this has been so intrinsic in the shift toward a global centralization of power and influence.​

Analysis from Max Keiser, G. Edward Griffin, John Perkins, Wayne Madsen and others brings into stark contrast how a consistent continuation of the same financial policy across governments exposes their status as fronts for an evergreen financial cartel that has used America as it’s engine since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.​

The latest brand of government in the shape of Barack Obama represents an amplification of the march toward global serfdom, continuing the very same process while falsely labeling it as progress and change.​


Fall Of The Republic also explores how popular culture has become a device to both advance this agenda, through social engineering, and to quell those who would resist it with the championing of superficiality.​

The film also charts the continuing rise of a police state that operates where such softer approaches cannot reach. As you will see, an evolution of sorts has taken place whereby the people are now recruited as part of the enforcement grid, to keep each other in line with the system being forged around us.​

In the face of this push to plunge the world into a new dark age, the conclusion of Fall Of The Republic offers a glimpse of a time in which the tyranny of such New World Order elitism has been defeated and rejected.​

The film emphasizes how we truly are at a nexus point in history, and that we still have the power to forge a future built on the foundations of freedom, equality and progress for all mankind, in spite of the consistent attacks those rights and virtues are being subjected to with every passing second.​

The second you finish watching the film you will want to share the insights it provides with others. Fall Of The Republic feels less an Alex Jones film than a communal experience, something we are witnessing here and now all around us, and something that we must understand together in order to survive with our freedoms intact.​

Stock your arsenal of truth with this DVD. Simply purchase a copy at the Infowars store.​

Alternatively, a subscription to Prisonplanet.tv, for just $5.95 per month will enable you to watch the film immediately in super hi-res quality. You may also download the film, burn copies and get the word out. In addition you will receive access to ALL previous Alex Jones films, countless other documentaries and video reports, as well as 4+ hours of streaming video added every day.



Truth feeder
Fall Of The Republic Devastates Globalist Agenda

Viewers say hard-hitting and masterfully produced documentary will unlock minds on a grand scale


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall Of The Republic is getting rave reviews from those who watched it first on Prison Planet.tv yesterday, with viewers labeling it the most hard-hitting and well produced Alex Jones video to date, outstripping even The Obama Deception, adding that it will undoubtedly unlock minds on a massive scale and smash the phony left-right paradigm.

It is now imperative to push this documentary to the limit and make it go viral in the same way that The Obama Deception did, a movie which achieved tens of millions of views in the first few months of its release.

Download the DivX version or get the DVD and make copies like there’s no tomorrow. Fall Of The Republic will be devastating for the globalists and their agenda to impose a new world economic order and the cap and trade scam, but only if you play your part in getting this information out to the world!

Here are a selection of viewer reviews and comments following the release of the film yesterday.

“First off I watched the WMV version and it looked fantastic, crisp and clear even at full screen. Now this film in my opinion was just amazing. There is a plethora of information packed in a few short hrs. The first hour is dedicated to the banking scam the rest of the film touches on everything from FEMA camps, to Obama’s lies to the police state and even the climate change scam. Great job Alex, you have really evolved into a great filmmaker full of passion and intelligence. This film is absolutely devastating to the NWO, a giant bitch slap to Obama and all his cronies. It shows this trash as self incriminating. As Alex said, this is high treason and it will not stand.”

“All I can say is “MY GOD!!!!!!!!!” Anyone who can’t see the raw piracy and fraud after watching this INCREDIBLE film,
is deaf, dumb, and blind.”

“Fall Of The Republic – By Alex Jones. Outstanding! One of his best documentaries by far!!! Beautifully mastered! Five Stars! *****”

“Amazing work Alex. Such great thinkers brought together for our enlightenment. Thank you!!!”

“Great movie. It is Alex Jones’s best movie yet. The production value is really high and we are seeing quality movie making again from non-fluoride drinking sentient talented beings. Bravo! I loved how Obama’s lies were exposed. It will make the sheep second guess Obaaaaaaama.”

“Great Movie!!! Thanks Alex, I cross my fingers that it wakes more people up.”

“Another AWESOME doc! Thanks A.J. AND CREW!”

“A Megaton Bomb to the hydra-head of the New World Order!”

“To put it bluntly, “THAT WAS f**kING BRILLIANT!” I don’t post often, but I’ve been a subscriber for several years now. THIS IS the film people should watch first. This film is easy to understand, presents clear facts (to which you should follow up on), and is edited/organized in a concise manner. It is definitely Jones’ best film to date. PLEASE make/buy copies and send it to everyone. I will be doing just that. I’ll say again that I think this is the film that people need to watch first. Then they can fill in the pieces with the other films and their own research.”

“WOW…..Alex totally out done himself… YALL READY!!!!!”

“Just finished watching it, this is by far the best Alex Jones film so far – a must watch.”

“It’s great. The facts and info just keep coming at you like machine gun fire. It lays it all out in as clear a fashion as you could want. Sure to wake up many, many people still locked into the controlled Democrat = Good – Republican = Bad/Republican = Good – Democrat = Bad mainstream news media illusion. Anyone watching this and paying any attention at all will come away with the indisputable knowledge of who is really running things, and what their plans really are. And just in case you’re reading this thread, keep making these films Alex. They will keep on waking up more and more people as time goes on. The trend of people finding out the truth due to films like this is not going to subside, but will just continue on until the “sleeping giant” awakens from it’s deep slumber. the mainstream news media will do it’s best to lull it back to sleep, but it ain’t happening.”

“Like taking a year of advanced US & World history in a few hours. The info war is working!”

Fall Of The Republic is now streaming live for Prison Planet.tv members in super high-quality flash format along with Windows Media, QuickTime and DivX downloads. Click here to subscribe and watch the film right now! Or get the DVD and make copies!​



Truth feeder
Facebook Labels Fall Of The Republic ?Abusive,? Blocks Links

Social networking giant preventing new Alex Jones documentary from going viral, just as they attempted to do with The Obama Deception


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, October 23, 2009

The social networking giant Facebook.com has labeled Alex Jones’ new documentary film Fall Of The Republic to be “abusive” and is blocking some links to the film from its website, preventing the movie from spreading virally like the Obama Deception, which received tens of millions of viewers despite a Facebook policy to block it too.​

A You Tube video illustrates that when a Facebook user attempts to ’share’ a link to the video, that is post it as a status update on their Facebook page, they get a message telling them the function has been blocked because the video is “abusive”.​

The full message reads, “Warning: This Message Contains Blocked Content – Some content in this message has been reported as abusive by Facebook users.”​

There seems little doubt that the Facebook users who reported the film as “abusive” are Obama kool-aid drinkers who think it’s a hate crime to point out that their demagogue has broken every single promise he made before the election, as Fall Of The Republic masterfully documents.​

It is important to stress that this does not occur for all versions of Fall Of The Republic posted on Facebook. For example, the link posted at the top of http://www.facebook.com/FallOfTheRepublic can still be shared. However, if it is a policy for Facebook to block links to this film, then we can expect more different versions to be censored in future.​

If Facebook has crafted a policy to block links to Fall Of The Republic, it would befit everything that we know about the California-based company.​

Shortly after the release of The Obama Deception in March this year, we started getting reports that Facebook was threatening to delete user accounts of people who were posting You Tube links to the film. A Facebook user who attempted to post the film on her profile page first had her ability to post links revoked and then her account was deleted altogether.​

Facebook has been staunchly pro-Obama since his election, even offering an ‘Obama skin’ page design that the company bragged was used by hundreds of thousands of people.​

The video below illustrates how Facebook is blocking some versions of Fall Of The Republic.​



Truth feeder
Review: ?Fall of the Republic,? an Alex Jones? political & economic documentary

Carl Herman
LA County Nonpartisan Examiner
Saturday, Oct 24th, 2009

By the end of high school, all young adults are instructed to understand and apply the scientific method to match data with hypotheses to explain the data. Most adults report they are able to do this under realistic conditions; that is, they have rational explanations for reality on a day-to-day basis, and especially for important issues. Daily, more adults are focusing their competent intellects upon our largest political and economic issues. Daily, more adults are constructing hypotheses of intentional destruction of our American rights, values, and economy as the only rational explanation of such gross malfeasance with US government and economic policies.*

The facts clearly reveal Hitler-sized lies to orchestrate two Wars of Aggression, with rhetoric to expand illegal war into Iran by outrageous lies about a simple treaty (Non-Proliferation Treaty) and unbelievable contrivance of President Ahmadinejad’s speech of October 2005 which never threatened Israel (“wipe them off the map”) that you should take 5-minutes to verify by reading the speech for yourself. The facts clearly show the largest give-away in world history of the public money to a parasitic class of gambling-addicted financial and political “elites.”*

For those who have embraced the facts, such a hypothesis is rational and clearly supported by the data. For those whose cognitive dissonance is too great to even take 5-minutes to confirm the damning facts of reading a simple speech, we offer compassion for you to find your moral courage. However, we stand firm with intellectual integrity that insists we move forward on the evidence rather than fantasy.*

As we quickly approach the first anniversary of Mr. Obama’s election with no hope and no change, Alex Jones brings to Americans and the world his documentary, “Fall of the Republic” as a comprehensive hypothesis for expanding war and economic destruction. Mr. Jones is among the top counter-government research journalists, with an impressive catalogue of documentary work. In this work, Mr. Jones explains the economic crisis, unending wars, and restriction of Constitutional rights as a systematic attempt to destroy the American republic by an oligarchy of financial elites who have utterly captured the duopoly of US politics and its five corporations that comprise the so-called “mainstream” media.

The documentary is fact-filled with readily verifiable documentation presented to the viewer. Mr. Jones is joined in this analysis with political and economic experts:

  • Gerald Celante: leading trend forecaster.
  • Dr. Bob Bowman: former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the US Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations. Mr. Bowman has a Ph.D in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Cal Tech.
  • Dr. William K. Black: professor of economics and law, author. Mr. Black was one of the government’s lead investigators and writers for the Savings and Loan scandal.**
  • Dr. Francis Boyle: Professor of law and author.*
  • Governor Jesse Ventura: former governor of Minnesota and author.*
  • John Perkins: economist and best-selling author.*
  • Dr. Tim Ball: professor of climatology, author, lecturer.*
  • Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: physician, researcher, best-selling author, lecturer.*
  • Max Keiser: finance analyst and journalist.
  • Webster Tarpley: leading counter-government author and lecturer.*
  • Alan Watt: author.*
  • Wayne Madsen: a counter-government investigative reporter.
  • G. Edward Griffin: leading author on the Federal Reserve and counter-government information (and here)***
  • George Humphrey: economist and author.*
  • Numerous members of the US Congress and Senate
The point of the film is to make the facts clear of our eroded Constitutional rights, to expose the controlled demolition of our economy, and to make the historical connection that these steps are similar to those taken by any other nation that has devolved into oligarchical tyranny. Americans, collectively, have a choice: either have the intellectual integrity and moral courage to state the obvious facts, or watch as our republic continues its fall into dictatorial hands posing as a duopoly.
The emperor has no clothes. No amount of rhetoric, even though President Obama is more eloquent than President Bush, can hide the revealed facts that Americans are now collectively open enough to see. This writer, among many, argue for a policy response of Truth and Reconciliation to facilitate the end of this massive criminal behavior, to do so with a minimum fight, and reasonably exchange the full truth and humanity’s progress for no prosecution. The Scrooges who hijacked our nation shall be free to either participate in building a brighter future for all of us (a “Scrooge conversion”), or live the rest of their loveless lives as they choose with a comfortable stipend after we recover the public assets they’ve stolen.
The documentary is available on DVD and high-definition online viewing through membership to Prison Planet.



Truth feeder
Engaging the Enemy with ?Fall of the Republic?

Jurriaan Maessen
October 28, 2009

Thanks to the release of Alex Jones’ groundbreaking documentary Fall of the Republic, we are provided with an extremely effective tool in the struggle for liberty. We need only to download, burn and distribute the film to as many people as possible in order to promote the info war to the next level. Although the film has already gone viral, the speed with which the New World Order is implementing its propaganda demands an acceleration of our efforts. There is, after all, a mesmerized collective to engage with all its inherent groupthink, unconsciously rocking to the rhythm of globalism.

The project for world government has been unleashed in all its facets, not only in the U.S. but in nation-states worldwide. The more one considers the machinery of mass media rolled out against the people, the more urgent becomes the counter effort. The web that is spun around us is so elaborate in its design that one needs all the help available to struggle free from it. To start off with good tidings, it has to be reported that the agenda can’t help exposing itself as it is being hurried through at too great a speed as to fully conceal the designs of the puppet masters. The private central banksters are scurrying to a shadowy corner while the spotlight is aimed on their activities. The psychological operators are increasingly being forced into the defensive. The concepts “left” and “right” no longer possess their former charm; the concept of liberty versus tyranny becomes all the more real and pressing.

History teaches us that when a tyrannical colossus presses down on the people, man can only be pushed so far before he rises in defiance against it. Gaining steam at every turn, a mass counter effort has emerged to take the quantum leap from classic paradigms to the current reality, across the boundaries of self-induced meekness, to embark on the quest of conscience that is required of everyone before entering into battle. After all, nothing is achieved by nothing; and everything now relies on the individual’s courage that can only be found staring back at him from the looking glass.

There are two players involved in this information war. There is the New World Order on the one hand, equipped with all the well-oiled mechanisms of mind control. And there are the people on the other side of the isle, baring witness to the gathering dark, but all too often unable to fence of the pitchforks of propaganda poking at them from all sides. Though the first has comfortably accustomed itself to being on the winning side, the latter are gradually beginning to rediscover their potential. And with the release of Fall of the Republic that potential may be transformed into action.

One of the mechanisms through which the elite attempt (and too often succeed) to entrance their underlings (us), is by the science of predictive programming. A concept worked out by Alan Watt in great detail, explaining how the scientific elite are in the habit of announcing future actions through works of fiction distributed by the mass media. Predictive programming serves to desensitize the target audience to the possibility of an event while the responsible programmers remain loyal to their age-old law of announcing a crime, in roughly the same manner as a ‘terrorist’ announces beforehand which building he will blow up.

However almighty the New World Order may seem though, it mainly owes its fear-inducing powers to the dark in which it operates. Once driven from its lair into the full light of day, its shadow will shrink as the creature creeps to safety. The fearful will realise they have allowed themselves to be afraid of a tiny little spider, curled up in a corner.

Because we have been incrementally taught by the readymade packages of propaganda not to act without say-so, the individual awaits no easy task. There is no central headquarter to report back to, only one’s reflection in the mirror. And therein exactly lays his great strength. The current counteroffensive launched by the New World Order is hard put to it, co-opting an action that is coordinated at the individual level. Any mass movement, however well intended, will always leave its insides exposed to the enemy and is usually slow in the uptake. The individual on the other hand can move with an almost acrobatic manoeuvrability compared to its counterpart, unhindered by a smothering order holding him back. He does not depend on any master to obey, but rather on its own conscience intrinsically embedded within the soul. That’s why all mass movements in the past have ultimately been infiltrated by psychological operators and false prophets. They have learned through trial and error that in order to move the blocks of history, they must first squeeze the mass into one place, fenced in by bounds of barbwire.

The New World Order is compelled to take aim against the individual. And, from its dark point of view, they are wise to do so. For the individual with all his potential for good, is largely out of reach of the controlling claw of tyranny stretching out to grab him. The enemy relies on mass dependency and collectivism to push their agenda through. We, on the other hand, rely on our conscience to make a change for the better, neither desiring nor expecting a heads-up from headquarters. After all, our mind is too precious a jewel to be outsourced. Now we have a film in our hands, a red pill, with which the spell of mind control may be broken.

Let the awakening begin.



Truth feeder
Fall Of The Republic: Millions Of People Worldwide Take The Red Pill

The revolution is being televised as blockbuster documentary explodes onto the Internet, unlocking minds and dismantling the elite’s conspiracy to exploit the financial crisis to finalize their global government takeover


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall Of The Republic has exploded onto the Internet as millions of people worldwide take the red pill and discover the antidote to the establishment’s lies about what caused the financial collapse and their agenda to deceptively claim that empowering the very culprits of the crime will solve the problem, as America is frog-marched into a tyrannical system of world government.

The consequence of The Obama Deception receiving tens of millions of views earlier this year manifested in the form of a key contribution to the burgeoning grass roots resistance that has dominated 2009, a nationwide movement against the big government agenda, as the globalists attempt to use their new front man Barack Hussein Obama to rapidly accelerate their new world order.

Now we are calling on you, the Infowarrior, to help us make Fall Of The Republic go viral and in doing do dismantle the contrived perception that only by surrendering to nightmare levels of regulation and centralized control bossed by an ultra-powerful architecture of global governance will we avoid another great depression.

Fall Of The Republic has the potential to outstrip even The Obama Deception in reaching millions more people, and early indications just over a week after the film was released are that this indeed happening. The You Tube version below already has over 300,000 views and this is just one of thousands of different versions that are floating around the web.

Fall Of The Republic will be devastating for the globalists and their agenda to impose a new world economic order and the cap and trade scam, but only if you play your part in getting this information out to the world! The film is already unlocking minds on a massive scale and smashing the phony left-right paradigm.

We have chosen to publicize and encourage circulation of the following version because it is encoded in the highest possible quality that You Tube allows and the full video is all in one place, rather than being broken up into different chunks.

Please grab the following link and spread it to the four corners of the Internet. In allegorical terms, this simple URL represents a devastating virus that can infect the mainframe operating system of the new world order agenda –
Fall Of The Republic in full is embedded below.

It is important to mention that we are obviously undercutting our own operation in publicizing where people can watch Fall Of The Republic in its entirety for free. The entire project behind producing the film cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the information contained in the movie is so important to communicate and the times so perilous that we want as many people to see this documentary as possible, whether they pay for it or not.

However, we do need your support to allow us to continue to expose the globalists and this is why we ask that those who can afford it buy the DVD and make copies or subscribe to Prison Planet.tv where you can watch all Alex Jones’ movies in high quality as well as access daily archives of The Alex Jones Show. You can also watch live streaming video of The Alex Jones Show every day by becoming a member.

What People Are Saying About Fall Of The Republic

“All I can say is “MY GOD!!!!!!!!!” Anyone who can’t see the raw piracy and fraud after watching this INCREDIBLE film,
is deaf, dumb, and blind.”

“Fall Of The Republic – By Alex Jones. Outstanding! One of his best documentaries by far!!! Beautifully mastered! Five Stars! *****”

“Amazing work Alex. Such great thinkers brought together for our enlightenment. Thank you!!!”

“Great movie. It is Alex Jones’s best movie yet. The production value is really high and we are seeing quality movie making again from non-fluoride drinking sentient talented beings. Bravo! I loved how Obama’s lies were exposed. It will make the sheep second guess Obaaaaaaama.”

“Great Movie!!! Thanks Alex, I cross my fingers that it wakes more people up.”

“Another AWESOME doc! Thanks A.J. AND CREW!”

“A Megaton Bomb to the hydra-head of the New World Order!”

“To put it bluntly, “THAT WAS f**kING BRILLIANT!” I don’t post often, but I’ve been a subscriber for several years now. THIS IS the film people should watch first. This film is easy to understand, presents clear facts (to which you should follow up on), and is edited/organized in a concise manner. It is definitely Jones’ best film to date. PLEASE make/buy copies and send it to everyone. I will be doing just that. I’ll say again that I think this is the film that people need to watch first. Then they can fill in the pieces with the other films and their own research.”

“WOW…..Alex totally out done himself… YALL READY!!!!!”

“Just finished watching it, this is by far the best Alex Jones film so far – a must watch.”

“It’s great. The facts and info just keep coming at you like machine gun fire. It lays it all out in as clear a fashion as you could want. Sure to wake up many, many people still locked into the controlled Democrat = Good – Republican = Bad/Republican = Good – Democrat = Bad mainstream news media illusion. Anyone watching this and paying any attention at all will come away with the indisputable knowledge of who is really running things, and what their plans really are. And just in case you’re reading this thread, keep making these films Alex. They will keep on waking up more and more people as time goes on. The trend of people finding out the truth due to films like this is not going to subside, but will just continue on until the “sleeping giant” awakens from it’s deep slumber. the mainstream news media will do it’s best to lull it back to sleep, but it ain’t happening.”

“Like taking a year of advanced US & World history in a few hours. The info war is working!”

Watch You Tube users’ reviews of Fall Of The Republic below.​
