Police Brutality?


New member
Have you ever been a victim of police brutality, or harassment at least? I can't number how many times they were rude to me for absolutely no reason. They treat us like crap just because they believe that they have the power to.


New member
I've had some rude ones on routine traffic stops, but for the most part they haven't been too bad. I do agree, though, that some of them seriously abuse their power.


New member
It blows my mind how many cop brutality videos are out there. Just today I watched more than 20 of them and that was just the tip of the iceberg. It makes you wonder what is going on when there are no cameras, huh?


New member
That's what ahppens when almost anybody can become a cop. On one hand you can't really blame them because what they have to face everyday must have an effect on them, but on the other hand that's what they signed up for and that's what is expected of them.


New member
I really feel that cops, doctors, judges and similar professions that deal with people's fates should have insanely high salaries. But acquiring a license to practice must be very hard. Also, even the slightest slip up would result in revoking the license for life.


New member
We have city police and county sheriffs. The county sheriff is elected, but the police chief is hired. The sheriff's officers are quite well behaved, while the city police will turn on their sirens just long enough to get through a red light or to pass a line of slow traffic. It really ticks me off.


As long as you cooperate with the police they usually will be nice and treat you with respect most of the time! Try telling one you believe he/she is wrong, immediately his ego become involved. Not wanting to be wrong and protecting the ego he/her do whatever it takes to prove that he's right even if that means hurting someone!

Is that an abuse of power? Most people act this way in their everyday lives, just go tell anyone you think they are wrong, and see what happens!

The only difference is the police have the ability to hurt people whether it be financially, physically or with the court systems without consequences. The police need someone to answer to, all their actions should be judged and scrutinized. But being a police officers is a really hard job and the honest ones out there risking their lives every day, to keep us safe!