
New member
lol I know animals do know who is friendly and likes them. The cat is probably very happy to see you when you come to visit. We have a neighbor who minds a little pin pin named Diesel that is here every week if the neighbor has time she stops in with little dog and that dog loves attention. Very comfortable around people.

Then I had a cat for 8 years who just loved to jump up and settle in my lap and purr away while I petted him. Who says cats are aloof? They just express themselves differently than dogs, do that's all :) Oh, and where we used to live before here, a neighbor had a cat that followed him around like a dog. lol
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I like your views about cats. I also like cats much and I have.:tongue: It is very beautiful and its color is white. It comes in my lap when I came back from office. I rub its belly and it sleep in my lap. Hahaha:highly_amused: I look after it like a baby. Hope you like it.


New member
I can imagine your patients cat looks forward to your visit. :)

I don't know if cats are the same as dogs are: that when you're around they know your schedule, but maybe cats do have a "sense" of when you'll be there.


New member
That's just the way my cat was except he liked the back petted, and then he would fall asleep in my lap after awhile. Sure made me feel guilty if I had to get up; :)