Secret Technologies That Eclipse Most People's Understanding


Truth feeder
Mass biological and mind-control devices exist well beyond the technology of implanting tiny physical 'chips' into humans, which accompanied many of the abductions by the Greys and non-benevolent Zetas; and also are an impending application of such electronic devices by the One World Government to the population. Even brain signatures radiated by government HAARP and GWEN towers are relatively superficial compared with ancient existing global grid systems, which can be used for manipulating the evolution of all life on the planet, including the planet's evolution itself. Nevertheless these government antenna systems can be linked to the global systems that are used by the non-benevolent extraterrestrials.

We are talking about ET-developed vast global networks utilising crystalline 'microchip' scalar technologies. They are referred to as PIN systems---Pylon Implant Networks. There is the APIN (Atlantis Pylon Implant Network) and the LPIN (Lemuria Pylon Implant Network)