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Healing the Family Tree

The Family Tree is recognized mostly as a genealogy report of ancestors in a family blood line.
It shows who is is related to whom way back as many generations as one can document.
It is quite difficult to obtai
n proof of blood relationship with certainty all suspected or reported relations.
DNA and other lab tests now help prove what the paper trail might not reveal.

What we are looking at is related. Rather than a blood history based solely on marriages and births, numerous authors are advocating our looking at the spiritual history of those same people. The recommendation is for each person to create his own family tree (or tree of origin) and list in code the sins and diseases of each relative plus our own sins and diseases (which are believed to be inherited or passed down). Each human is 3 parts - body, mind/soul, AND spirit! God is a Spirit. Satan is a spirit. Man has a spirit. Doctors try to help the body. Psychiatrists try to help the mind. Pastors try to help the spirit.

What do we do with this list? There are many suggestions. There can be individual or group prayers for deliverance. The list can be taken to church and lifted up to God during communion or when we say the Lord's prayer. This is the time when we ask God's forgiveness of us, after having first forgiven each person on the list. If the person is deceased, we offer that person up to God. We confess his sins. We cover his sins with the blood of Christ. We break the curse from that person's sins. We break the consequences of that person's sins down through the generations.

We do NOT pray to that person. This is forbidden in scripture. (The Catholic church teaches that this prayer can release souls from purgatory into heaven and away from earth where they may bother us. This Catholic teaching has NO scriptural basis!) These Eucharist prayers DO release many of the living on earth from being tormented by the same things that tormented their ancestors.

Many Protestants advocate the same prayers with the same results, but on a different theological basis. They believe that evil spirits are the root cause of the curses, diseases, and maladies.

The key is to know that we can be delivered from our troubles. We, through the blood of Jesus Christ, can be set free from sins originating from relatives or ourselves. Through the body of Jesus Christ we can be set free from physical and mental maladies, inherited or not.

Many books discuss family curses that are passed on from generation to generation in the form of medical diseases or personality disorders. Scripture attributes many of these to familiar or familial evil spirits. Many of the following sources touch on this issue.

Jesus is called the Tree of Life. When we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and be our savior, we are grafted into God's family tree.
At communion, when we, as spiritual relatives of God, drink the blood of Christ, we do a transfusion, taking out the bad blood and putting in the good blood, using Jesus' antibodies to kill off the enemy in our family bloodline. We appropriate what Jesus did for us on the cross 2,000 years ago.
Samuel Kanco, former African witch doctor, asks Jesus to boil the blood whenever Aids is an issue. See book review below.

William Branham in The Revelation of the 7 Seals, chapter on the 4th seal, shares how a child was healed of leukemia when the pastor confronted the parents with a secret that they shared. Scripture says to be aware that your sins will find you out.

Christians recognize that "sin" began with Adam and ended with Jesus, our confessor/savior/forgiver.
What many fail to recognize is that "disease/defects/infirmity" began with Adam and ended with Jesus, our doctor/surgeon. Actually for Christians, the real culprit is NOT man but the devil, the author of all harm. However, regarding inheritance, Adam brought sin AND disease into the blood line, and is the father of all sin AND disease in the same way that Abraham is the father of all those who receive salvation or health by believing in God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Being saved/healed/rescued by God is an act of our tenacious faith in Him in spite of all medical or intelligent evidence to the contrary. God and Satan are invisible spirits competing for the same body. Only one will win. Let us choose the most powerful One, Dr Jesus.

Once we understand and believe that Jesus Christ did it ALL on the cross, it is like a baby who for the first time recognizes his parent and speaks dada or mama! When God becomes our dada/papa, he is our parent, protector, and guardian of body, mind AND spirit. Because of what Jesus Christ did for us (if we accept what he did for us), we are adopted into God's family and are legal heirs of Dad's assets. We can lay claim to ALL God's blessings and according to scripture, they can belong to us for a 1,000 generations! We are thus NOW spiritual descendants of Abraham, because of our faith in his God and in God's son Jesus. It is the blood of Jesus that unites us all as siblings in God's family.

9/2005 PFMC Home Page
Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are the Son of God, the only way to God, and that You died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead.
I give up all my rebellion and all my sin. I submit myself to You as my Lord.
I confess all my sins before You and ask for Your forgiveness, especially for any sins that exposed me to a curse.
Release me also from the consequences of my ancestors' sins.
By a decision of my will, I forgive all who have harmed me or wronged me, just as I want God to forgive me.
In particular, I forgive _______________, ___________________, __________________.
I renounce all contact with anything occult or satanic.
If I have any "contact objects", I commit myself to destroy them. I cancel all Satan's claims against me.
Lord Jesus, I believe that on the cross You took on Yourself every curse that could ever come upon me.
I ask You now to release me from every curse over my line, in Your name, Lord Jesus Christ.
By faith I now receive my release and I thank Your for it.
I thank You today, tomorrow, and every day - for the rest of my life. (In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.)