WEBBOT FEAR-MONGERING: Food hyperinflation, Earthchanges, Chaos...Timeline choices

Lady of Light

Clif High is full of BS but here is here report none the less:

Web Bot: Food hyperinflation, earth changes, chaos, govt. collapse in 2011-12?

Web Bot track record of systematic over-exaggeration of catastrophic timeline

The Web Bot has now compiled a substantial track record of over-exaggerating catastrophic outcomes of trends and of creating an expectation of a catastrophic timeline.

Web Bot: 1.2 billion dead in BP oil spill, Nov. 2010 nuclear war

One can reasonably question the credibility and legitimacy given to the over-exaggerated outcomes of the Web Bot. For example, immediately after the April 20, 2010 BP Gulf oil spill, Web Bot predicted “1.2 billion dead from the BP oil spill and a Nov. 2010 nuclear war."

"The Web Bot technology is now predicting a 1.289+ billion mega-death resulting from an “ill-wind” and the BP Gulf oil disaster. Researcher Clif High has published a prediction expecting a ‘tipping point’ around November 8, 2010 into global nuclear war, triggered by a mistaken Israeli-influenced attack on Iran that could come anytime after July 11, 2010."

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Web Bot: Food hyperinflation, earth changes, chaos, govt. collapse in 2011-12? - Seattle exopolitics | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-...#ixzz1DOxEstpg