10 Of The Most Startling Edgar Cayce Predictions

Truth Vibrations

New member
Many people are wondering how the predictions of Edgar Cayce are related to 2012. The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012 and as we near this historic date, many of Cayce's predictions are coming to fruition. Edgar Cayce, also known as the Sleeping Prophet, correctly predicted the stock market crash and Great Depression of 1929, the beginning of World War II, and many Earth Changes of modern times. Here is a list of the most startling and memorable Edgar Cayce predictions:

1. The greater portion of Europe will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Japan will eventually go into the sea.Land will appear off the east coast of America.

2. There will be a shifting of the poles so that where there was once a cold climate will become warmer and the semitropical will become the more tropical.

Moss and ferns and new foliage will grow in places that seem strange to us now. As Cayce said: "The Earth is catching up with Time."
3. There will come a time when the sun will be darkened.
4. The city of Atlantis will be found near Bimini.
5. The records of Atlantis will be open to those that are the spiritual initiates in the knowledge of the One God.
6. A new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon.
7. A "City of Gold" will be discovered in the Gobi Desert.
8. New York State's east coast and New York City itself will disappear.
9. America's west coast will be destroyed and The Great Lakes will drain into the Gulf of Mexico through the Mississippi River.
10. Cayce envisioned that a time would come when all individuals would realize their responsibility toward one another; this will be a realization that will change the mass-thought of humanity. Cayce predicted there will be three profound archeological discoveries of a very ancient and important nature that will revolutionize the way we understand human origins. Cayce stated that this will occur when humanity reaches a higher level of spirituality. He predicted a new era of peace and enlightenment will follow the tremendous Earth changes. Cayce foresaw a new era of enlightenment and peace for humanity in the future and a unified field of energy that would someday shift the consciousness field of humanity.

Cayce was never 100% right but he put it this way:
“Prophecy is never given for any other purpose than as a warning. For this reason, a successful prophecy is one that has been averted and therefore does not happen."


Linda Brown

New member
I have never seen his prophecies put together like this.... thank you for doing this Truth vibrations.
