
1) R.I.P. Rik Clay - The Cosmic Mind: Zion 2012 Olympics
June 8, 2008
Researcher Rik Clay who is behind the blog "The Cosmic Mind" joins us to discuss his findings about the Zion Olympics in London leading up to the end game year 2012. Rik presents his thesis in this very interesting two segment program. We begin to discuss how RIk got into the subject matter and then go into the connection with numerology and synchronicity. Topics Discussed: 11:11, pyramid numerology, Solar Eclipse, September Eleventh, The Birth of Christ, Zion, Summer Olympics 1972 Münich, 1984 Los Angeles, Eye Symbolism, Corporate Symbolism, Joining of Islam and Christianity, Angel Gabriel, William Blake, Wally Olins and much more. Join us in the members section as we continue our discussion with Rik about the 2012 Olympics and how this event in a ritualistic way is connect with zion and the "end game messiah".

2) R.I.P. Rik Clay - We continue our fascinating discussion with Rik Clay about his thesis on the 2012 Zion Olympics and how this connects with the trinity of the "new age" and how an "end game messiah" will be presented to us around 2012. Topics Discussed: Precession, Astrological Ages, Religion, Transition of the Ages, A Trinity Event, Osiris-Isis-Horus, New World Order of the Ages, Diana, Galadriel, Ritual Murder of Diana, Prince William as the new Sun King, Haiti Massacre, Port-au-Prince, Olympics Rings, Atlantis, Religion of the New World Order, the significance of 7, Chakra System, New Spirituality, Egyptian Roots of Star Religion, the End of the World and much more.

3) R.I.P. Rik Clay - The Cosmic Mind: Q & A -
June 12, 2008
We invite Rik Clay from "The Cosmic Mind" back to the program to follow up on the show did last Sunday. This time we have a questions and answers session. We begin to talk about the some feedback on the last program we did and about "rules" and restrictions you have to adjust to when you're making the kind of connections that Rik is making. We discuss the Greek origins of the Olympic games, the opening ceremonies and the symbolism involved in the games. Topics Discussed: Tibet, Dalai Lama, The Orange, Rose and Saffron Revolution, Rituals, Ley lines, Energy, TV coverage, Age of Aquarious, Water, Global Warming, "X Marks the spot", 666 and XXX, Nazi Olympics 1936, Alien Contact, Movies, Diana, Project Bluebeam and much more. Join us in our second segment as we'll discuss more about project Bluebeam, the fake alien invasion, technological advancement, mind control and the different levels of reality. Don't miss our excellent continuation of this program with Rik Clay.

4) R.I.P. Rik Clay - We continue our interesting questions and answers session with Rik Clay and talk more about project Blue beam, the fake alien invasion, how technological advancement varies in different fields, mind control technology, cell phone and tetra masts and the different levels of reality. Topics Discussed: 11, The Oscars, I am Legend, Ben Hur, Charlton Heston, Omega Man, Blood, Bloodline, The Knights Templar, Composite Characters, Lily Wave, Prince William, The "merger" of empires though marriage, Alien Technology, Flying Saucers, Airline Technology, Loose Change, 9/11, Different levels of Reality, Consciousness, The News, Georgia Guide stones, Depopulation and much more.
