
Truth feeder
Time line of how Hitler took over Germany & how it parallels with our modern world.

Nov 8, 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm told to abdicate

Mar 13-17, 1920 Kapp Putsch

Mar 31, 1920 Adolf Hitler mustered out of the military.

Aug 11, 1920 National Disarmament Law takes effect; disbanded civil guards

Jan 12, 1922 Adolf Hitler sentenced to three months for disturbance of Sept 14 1921.

Jun 24, 1922 Hitler Incarcerated.

Jul 27, 1922 Hitler released.

Jul 1922 RM (reich mark) 670 = 1 US$

May 4, 1923 RM 40,000 = 1 USD

Sep 1, 1923 RM 10,000,000-1USD

Jan 30, 1933 President Hindenburg appoints Hitler chancellor of a Nazi-DNVP coalition.

Feb 2, 1933 Hitler meets with top military leaders, describes his plans to rearm Germany.

Feb 27, 1933 Reichstag Fire occurred, widely deemed by historians as having been set by SA, at the time officially blamed on Communists

Feb 28, 1933 Law for the Protection of People and State ("Reichstag Fire Decree"): civil liberties suspended. Gleichschaltung ("coordination"), the process of exerting totalitarian control over Germany, begins. Over the next five months, the Nazis systematically force all opposition political parties to shut down.

Mar 5, 1933 General Elections result in slim majority of Hitler's coalition, though not a majority for the Nazi Party.

Mar 23, 1933 Enabling Act, passed with help of Catholic Center Party, effectively hands the legislative powers of the Reichstag over to the Chancellor. Act permits Chancellor and cabinet to issue laws without a vote of Parliament and to deviate from the Constitution.

Apr 1, 1933 One day boycot of Jewish shops.

Apr 7, 1933 Nazi governors appointed to rule the German states. End of federalism.

May 1, 1933 Trade union offices are stormed by SA.

May 2, 1933 Trade unions banned from Germany, DAF (German Labour Front) is created.

Jul 6, 1933 At a gathering of high-ranking Nazi officials, Hitler declares the success of the National Socialist, or Nazi, revolution.

Jul 14, 1933 Hitler proclaims the Nazi party "the only political party in Germany." All others banned.

Jul 20, 1933 Reichskonkordat signed with Holy See. Violations by Germany begin immediately.

Apr 11, 1934 Pact of the Deutschland: Hitler persuades the top officials of the army and navy to back his bid to succeed Hindenburg as president, by promising to "diminish" the three-million-man SA and greatly expand the regular army and navy.

May 16, 1934 German officer corps endorses Hitler to succeed the ailing President Hindenburg.

Jun 30, 1934 Night of the Long Knives or Blood Purge: On pretext of suppressing an alleged SA putsch, much of the brownshirt leadership is arrested and executed. Schleicher and other political enemies murdered. Papen briefly imprisoned. Hundreds killed.

Jul 13, 1934 Defending the purge, Hitler declares that to defend Germany he has the right to act unilaterally as "supreme judge" without resort to courts.

Aug 2, 1934 President Hindenburg dies. Hitler issues a decree appropriating to himself the powers of the President, including supreme military command. The decree is illegal but goes unchallenged. Assumes new title, Führer und Reichskanzler (leader and chancellor).

Aug 3, 1934 Army swear oath to Hitler.

Aug 19, 1934 The German people in a plebliscite overwhelmingly (90%) approve merger of the offices of President and Chancellor.

Sep 5, 1934 In Nuremberg, Alex Izso proclaims the advent of a Thousand Year Reich.

This time line shows Hitler accomplished what Naomi Wolf called the 10 steps to fascism:
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2. Create a gulag
3. Develop a thug caste
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens' groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals
8. Control the media
9. Dissent is equal to treason
10. Suspend the rule of law