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In December 2010 – Nigerian prosecutors filed charges against the former ‘Israel-First’ US Vice-president Dick Cheney and Halliburton Co. of which he was CEO until 2000 – for bribery estimated to US$180 million to Nigerian officials between 1994 and 2004 to win a US$6 billion liquefied natural gas plant contract. Nigeria arrested at least 23 officials in November, including 11 from Halliburton and the CEO of Saipem Construction, a local unit of Rome-based Eni. Those detained were all freed on bail on November 29, 2010.

Officers from Britain’s Serious Fraud Office arrested one of former military dictator Ibrahim Babangida’s (1985-93) lawyers, Jeffrey Tesler, 60, (a British/Israel dual citizen) at his office in Tottenham, London, in a move that will widen the scope of the international investigation into corrupt payments on Nigeria’s $6 billion liquefied natural gas project.

On December 17, 2010 - Al-Jazeera reported that Nigeria’s anti-corruption watchdog, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) said that the charges were dropped on Friday after Halliburton agreed to pay fines totalling up to $250 million over allegations it paid millions of dollars in bribes to Nigerian officials. One wonders how many of those dollars wll filter through the ‘westernized’ theieves to the poor public.

Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor Pan-African New Wire wrote:

“Just one week before the charges were dropped, U.S. assistant secretary of state for African affairs, Johnnie Carson, said at a press briefing that Nigeria should “carefully review the 16-count corruption allegations made against a former U.S. vice-president, Dick Cheney, in the Halliburton bribe-for-contract scandal.” Carson indicated that the U.S. was speaking to Nigerian authorities about the case and wanted the case to be reviewed and the charges to be carefully and deeply substantiated as they were “very serious.” (Nigeria Tribune, Dec. 11)

The Human Rights Writers’ Association of Nigeria severely criticized the decision on Halliburton, saying, “President Goodluck Jonathan, through the office of the federal attorney-general and minister of justice had set a bad precedent which conveyed the impression that corruption thrived in Nigeria provided you were clever enough not to be caught or buoyant enough to settle out of court if eventually caught.” (Nigeria Punch, Dec. 20)

Nigeria has been the focus of a number of recent high profile criminal cases that have been discharged after multimillion dollar settlements.

The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer was recently allowed to avoid potential liability in a $6 billion lawsuit involving the use of tainted antibiotics in a purported “clinical trial” of the drug Trovan, used to treat meningitis. The lawsuit alleged that the drug caused the deaths of 11 children and sickened dozens of others. The Nigerian attorney general dropped the claim after Pfizer exerted pressure and managed to settle for a mere $75 million.”

Nigeria is one of the example, the West wants all Muslim-majority countries to act ‘moderate’ and ‘democratic’!

According to 2009 PEW study Mapping the Global Muslim Population, Muslims in Nigeria make 50% of the total population of 149 million. According to CIA World Factbook, 2010 – Muslims (50%), Christians (40%) and Indigenous (10%).

Like the current Save Darfur campaign which transfered US$50 million to new Jewish settlements in Palestine – in the late 1960s, the Jewish and Christian extremists were also behind the “Save Biafra” campaign. The Biafra War ended on January 15 1970, leaving over one million people dead.

Nigeria’s current President Goodluck Jonathan (a Christian), was sworn-in after the death of the former President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua (a Muslim) on May 5, 2010. Goodluck Jonathan was the Vice-president and assumed his new position by Constitional decree. He will have the chance to get himself democratically elected in the coming election in March 2011.

Nigeria is the largest oil producing country in Africa and 11th in the world. However, it is estimated that its known oil-fields would not last more than another 30 years.

Nigeria: Obama rescues Zionist Cheney | Rehmat's World