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Many of America’s Israeli agents are known to public but there are many more who never made the news. Two of such disloyal American Zionist Jews are Abraham Feinberg (died 1998) and Zalman Shapiro, the former president of NUMEC.

Abraham Feinberg is best known for funding President Harry S Truman’s “whistle stop” campaign, saving Truman’s 1948 election campaign from almost certain defeat. In an interview, Feinberg summarized his long success in Democratic Party politics: “My path to power was cooperation in terms of what they needed – campaign money.”

Even before the creation of Zionist entity on May 15, 1948 – Feinberg supplied arms to the Jewish terrorist militia, Haganah. He accompanied Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first president, to his first meeting with President Truman, and a substantial United States loan to Israel ensued, his family recalled. His family also said he had useful informal contacts with the Israeli and American Governments during some Middle East crises.

According to new histories of Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion secretly named Feinberg his chief nuclear weapons fundraising coordinator in 1958. Feinberg and 25 others contributed $40 million to the Israeli nuclear weapons program against opposition from presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy.

A newly released 1952 file reveals the FBI’s early awareness of Feinberg’s many secret meetings with Israeli foreign agents: “Feinberg has been in contact with Colonel Ephraim Ben-Arazi, former Israeli Military Attache to the United States; Theodore H. Kollek, Israeli Minister in Washington; Reuben Shiloah (founder of Mossad), personal advisor to the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs; Nahum Bernstein, Secretary of Israel Speaks. All of these individuals are known to have been active in the Israeli Intelligence Service.”

In 1952 Feinberg was ordered to register as an Israeli agent conducting foreign propaganda through a bimonthly publication called Israel Speaks the successor to Haganah Speaks. Feinberg briefly considered selling Israel Speaks to the Jerusalem Post before shutting it down to avoid registration under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act.

The FBI files also document meetings between Abraham Feinberg and Rudolph Sonneborn. Sonneborn organized a massive clandestine smuggling network to purchase or steal U.S. WWII surplus armaments for Jewish fighters in Palestine in violation of arms export controls and the Neutrality Act. The Israeli government tasked Feinberg to intervene in the criminal prosecutions of apprehended U.S. members of the smuggling network. The FBI file notes, “There were 70 people involved on the West Coast….On April 1, 1949 Eliahu Elath, Israeli Ambassador to the United States, was advised by his government that it was agreed that the matter relating to Schwimmer and other people under indictment should be taken to the ‘highest level’ in order to ‘squash it once and forever’….one of several courses of action suggested…was to have Abe…take it up with his friends…” In the end few members of the network were ever arrested, prosecuted or convicted of arms smuggling. Those that were (Adolph Schwimmer, Hank Greenspun, and Charles Winters) later received presidential pardons.

Zalman Shapiro had helped Israeli secret agents to divert 741 pounds of highly enriched uranium suitable for weapons production to Israel in late 1980s. Former Deputy of the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology Carl Duckett went on record verifying the agency came to the conclusion by 1968 that “NUMEC material had been diverted by the Israelis and used in fabricating weapons.” NUMEC’s venture capitalist had close ties to Israeli intelligence. CIA Tel Aviv station chief John Hadden went on record calling NUMEC “an Israeli operation from the beginning.”

Israel’s secret agents in America | Rehmat's World