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The 2011 Holocaust Rememberance Day brought the unexpected “Good News” for the Israeli leaders to dance as they did on 9/11. However, this time the avenue was not New York but in Abbotabad (Pakistan) where, Osama Bin Laden was killed by Ben-Obama’s boys and hurriedly “buried at sea,” reported by Guardian (May 2, 2011). Interesting the only “sea” Pakistan has is the Arabian Sea next to Karachi over 1500 miles away from Abbottabad.

Benji Netanyahu’s office danced and called the killing of OBL, “a resounding victory for justice, freedom, and the values shared by all democratic countries fighting shoulder to shoulder against terror.” Millions of people around the world wonder if the Israeli Jews really know the meanings of ‘justice and freedom’.

Benji also personally congratulated Ben-Obama for his great achievement after failing to assassinate Libyan leader Qaddafi the other day but did kill one of Qaddafi’s sons and three of his grandchildren. “The State of Israel shares the joy of the American people on this historical day, that of bin Laden’s ouster,” Netanyahu reportedly told Obama. Well, this would be a new proof of Israeli innocence (sic) in case of 9/11.

The war-criminal Shimon Peres declared: “Bin Laden was the greatest murderer. This is a great achievement for the US security establishment, a great achievement for the President, a great achievement for the free world”. I am sure, Peres must have heard of historian Niall Ferguson’ book “The War of the World” in which the author proves that “some of the greatest mass murders of modern times were Jewish”.

Yossi Melman, Haaretz’s Intelligence analyst called it ”one of the most important US military- intelligence, as well as psychological-moral, achievements since the end of the Second World War.” I think Yossi is trying to tell us that Israeli intelligence agencies would not have succeeded in pulling 9/11 without the help of their American counter-parts.

Israel’s radical Jew FM Avigdor Liberman in a very polite way lied that Mossad did not provide its assassination expertise in this case.

The Israeli government was informed of the killing 30 minutes before the White House announcement, Israel Army Radio reported.

About 7,000 people carrying Israeli flags marched at the former Nazi labor camp of Auschwitz in Poland to commemorate the Holocaust.

The Vatican spokesman has said that Christians should not rejoice at the death of a man (Osam Bin Laden), but reflect on the serious responsibility of each and every one before God and before man

Holocaust, OBL and the dancing Israelis | Rehmat's World