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When Benji Netanyahu said that Israel, the US and EU will not negotiate peace with a PA government with Hamas as a partner – Barack Obama’s special envoy for the Middle East, former Senator George Mitchell knew it was time to throw his towel. So he did on Friday. He announced his resignation from the thankless job and his Boss accepted it without any regrets. Obama also announced that Mitchell’s deputy David Hale to be his next special envoy for the Middle East, a post created to fool the brainwashed American public.

Jewish Lobby has its puppet planted at Obama-administration’s every sensitive position dealing with the Muslim world – from Richard Holbrooke Obama’s former special envoy to Pakistan-Afghanistan with Jewish family roots to George Mitchell and now his replacement David Hale.

According to some sources, Mitchell’s efforts to bridge the gap between Bibi and Abbas were always blocked by the radical Zionist Dennis Ross. In an interview with Newsweek last month, Fatah Chief Mahmoud Abbas openly accused Mitchell of not doing his job. “Every visit by Mitchell, we talked to him and gave him some ideas,” he said. “At the end we discovered that he didn’t convey any of these ideas to the Israelis. What does it mean?”

With Benji Netanyahu marching in to address AIPAC annual foreign policy conference and an address to a joint House at the Capitol Hill next week – American public will know who is the ‘Boss’ – which leaves Obama to wait for his doubtfull second term to deal with the Israel-PA conflict.

British journalist and author, Alan Hart, wrote in the Veteran Today:

The main purpose of Netanyahu’s forthcoming trip to America is to launch a public relations campaign to rebrand Israel in the hope of stopping the rot of its growing isolation.

With most Republicans who run for election to Congress now as willing as most Democrats to speak from Zionism’s script in order to secure Zionist lobby organized campaign funds and votes, it can be taken for granted that the applause Netanyahu will receive in Congress for his propaganda nonsense will match that he’ll get at AIPAC’s convention. The truth can be simply stated. On matters to do with Israel-Palestine, it is not the Congress of the United States of America. It’s the Congress of Zionism and its deluded Christian fundamentalist allies.

In my reading of Obama that makes a lot of sense. He knows that it’s not in America’s own best interests to go on supporting Israel right or wrong. He knows that he ought to be putting an American peace plan on the table and challenging Netanyahu and the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress to reject it. But he also knows that would be political suicide for himself and many other Democrats who’ll be running for re-election next year.

George Mitchell: First casualty of PA deal | Rehmat calling