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Finally Athens have a new unity government headed by Dr. Lucas Papademos 64, former VP at the European Central Bank. The bankers at the Wall Street and London City have a sigh of relief. Sarkozy and Markel are happy with the choice. However, American Jewish Committee (AJC) has some serious reservations about one of the political parties in the unity government.

David Harris, executive director of AJC, has issued a statement stressing Jewish community’s concern over the inclusion of Georgios Karatzaferis in the new government.

“We are deeply concerned by the presence in the new unity government of the LAOS party, headed by Georgios Karatzaferis. According to reports, Karatzaferis has a record of outrageous statements about Jews, including, but not limited to, spreading the libel that Jews were implicated in the 9/11 attacks by their alleged absence from work that day, when nothing could have been further from the truth. We urge the new Greek leadership, understandably preoccupied with the economic crisis, not to permit any such expression of outright bigotry or anti-Semitism to emerge from its ranks”.

Dieter Graumann, chairman of the Central Committee of German Jews told German daily Bild: “A professed anti-Semitic politician cannot serve in a government with which the German government will need to negotiate billions in aid”.

Jewish groups claim that Georgios Karatzaferis has the bad habit of making ‘political wrong (Jew and Israel hating) statements. For example, on a televised debate with Israel’s ambassador to Greece he said: “Lets talk about all these tales of Auschwitz and Dachau“; in 2002 during a parliament session he asked the then Greek prime minister Constantine Simitis (born as Aaron Avouris, a Jew): “Is it true that your daughter secretly married a Jew?“; during Israeli attack on Gaza in December 2008, Karatzaferis said that the Jewish army was acting “with savage brutality only seen in Hitler’s time towards helpless people“.

I’m sure with such credentials, Karatzaferis, has no chance receiving a cabinet post in Zionist occupied Greece. “While the Jews of Goldman Sachs enjoy huge bonuses, massive taxpayer subsidies, and unrivalled political influence – Greece hangs it head as Goldman’s “useful idiot” by ending up not only as the villain in the piece by losing it EU voting rights and ‘tabbed’ as the gateway to an EU financial dictatorship,” wrote Brother Nathanael Kapner.

Athens is home to over 700,000 Muslims but is the only European capital city without a proper mosque, even though Greece had been ruled by Ottoman empire for over 350 years. During that period, Ecumenical Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church acted as a Viceroy of the Ottoman Sultans

Jewish groups censor new Greek government | Rehmat's World