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The pro-Israel US political and religious leaders are never shy of showing their mental sickness and their Judeo-Christian hatred toward their imaginary US-Israel enemies.

The death of North Korean leader, Kim Jong II 69, gave some of these Israel-Firsters another opportunity to show their hatred. Prominent Republican Sen. John McCain was overjoyed at the news and said the world is better of now that North Korean leader is dead.

“The world is a better place now that Kim Jong-Il is no longer in it. I can only express satisfaction that the Dear Leader is joining the likes of Qaddafi, Bin Laden, Hitler and Stalin in a warm corner of hell,” McCain said, (British Daily Mail, December 20, 2011).

I bet Sen. McCain did not know that Stalin’s all three wives were Jewish and he establish the first Jewish state in Birobidjan in 1934, while Henneke Kardel has called Adolf Hitler Founder of Israel. However, with John McCain’s past great services to Israel, no Jewish leader will dare to call McCain an anti-Semite.

GOP presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, another Israel-Firster – said that Kim Jong II will not be missed after decades of oppression and threatening the world with his nuclear program.

Former US secretary of state, Condoleeza Rice showed her pleasure at the hanging of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The current secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, joked about Libyan leader Qaddafi’s brutal death by saying: “We came, we saw and he died“.

The western poodle, Yukiya Amano, director general of UN nuclear watchdog IAEA has come out of his bunker too. He has declared that IAEA “must deploy its inspecters to North Korea to help with the denuclearization of Korean Peninsula“.

Amano, as a typical hypocrite, says that Islamic Republic must be stopped from acquiring a nuclear bomb because that will turn a ‘non-nuclearized’ Arabian Peninsula (the Middle East) into a nuclear Zone as Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt will rush to acquire nuclear capability. By his rants, Amano wants the world to believe that Israel which is the only country in the Arabian Peninsula with 240-400 nuclear bombs – is such a peaceful country that it has never threatened its neighbors and thus exempted from IAEA inspections.

Former IAEA chief Hans Blix told RT the other day that North Korea with nuclear arsenal do poses a great threat to 38,000 American soldiers stationed in South Korea. He also repeated his previous statements that Iran doesn’t posseses a nuclear bomb and is no threat to its neighbors including Israel. He said that the US and its allies are putting pressure on Iran to abandon its civilian nuclear program because Israel is nervous about it. However, “threats by hawks in Israel and the US will not succeed in scaring the Iranian from their present course,” Blis argued. Even the latest IAEA report did not definitely accuse Tehran for pursuing nuclear arms. (Watch a video below).

The IAEA inspectors were expelled from North Korea in 2009. Amano believes that allowing the inspectors back will prove that North may be serious about disarmament efforts. Israel is non-signatory to NPT and refuses to allow IAEA inspectors to visit its five known nuclear facilities.

North Korea has uranium mines with an estimated four million tons of exploitable high-quality uranium ore. Country’s nuclear program began in 1980s. North Korea conducted its first underground nuclear explosive test on October 16, 2006. The estimated yield of the test was less than one kiloton. Estimates of both the amount of plutoniam and the number of nuclear weapons could be manufactured varies. The US estimates it about 12 kilograms.

Kim Jong II’s youngest son Kim Jong Un has been proclaimed as new leader of North Korea. Kim Jong II took power in July 1994 after the death of his father Kim II Sung. In 1994, Bill Clinton signed an agreement with North Korea to freeze its nuclear program in exchange for US aid. In 2002, Dubya Bush branded Noth along with Islamic Republic and Iraq an “axis of evil”. In 2003, North quit Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In August 2010, Kim Jong II visited China and met Chinese President Hu Jintao. In September 2010, Kim appointed his youngest son Kim Jong Un his successor.

McCain: ‘Kim Jong II has gone to Hell’ | Rehmat's World