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Iraqi-born Brig.Gen. (ret.) Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, a member of Israel’s Labor Party, has called on the Egyptian military junta to return $300 million the Zionist entity paid as bribe to former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. He claims that money was paid to rewrite Egyptian educational materials in order to reduce tension between Egyptians and Jews. Binyamin Ben-Eliezer is one of the 15 Israeli leaders the International Criminal Court refuses to investigate and prosecute as war criminals.

It’s reported that Egypt’s former first lady, Suzanne Mubarak, lead Egyptian delegate to discuss the project with Israeli officials.

Now, just imagine if Rep. Ron Paul becomes next US President in 2013 – he may ask Egypt to repay $45 billion bribe money it received as part of Camp David Accord to keep peace with Israel. He could also ask Israel to return $3 trillion the American tax-payers gave to the country since 1970s. How about demanding $18 billion bribe money from Pakistan for allowing US-NATO forces to use Pakistan’s land and skies to invade Taliban and occupy Afghanistan since October 2011?

If the German Left Party grabs majority of seats in Bundestag (parliament), its leader Inge Hoger may ask Israel to return $93 billion of Holocaust compensation money. She says Israel has misused Holocaust and it has for “many years starved and indiscriminately bombed the population of Gaza because they voted democratically for Hamas in January 2006. The legend of Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East is a farce“, in her May 2011 speech at the 9th Palestinian in Europe Conference in Wuppertal.

What about if the anti-Israel GNC party grab power in Switzerland in future and demand Israel return $3 billion taken from its banks by the US-Israel alliance based on forged Jewish deposit claims?

Former head of UN nuclear Watchdog and a prominent Egyptian secularist politician, Dr. Mohamed Elbaradei, has claimed recently that Washington is working very hard behind the scene to stop annulling Camp David Accord specially now that Islamist parties are coming to power in Egypt.

A senior Egyptian politician and nephew of former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who signed the Camp David accord, Mohammad Anvar Esmat Saddat told Fars News Agency on Wednesday: “There is no peace agreement between Egypt and Israel and in future we will talk to any political entity in the world with the logic of right or the logic of force (if the other side does not accept the logic of right) in a way that our relations serve the interests of the Egyptian nation more than anything else, as we are not fearful of any country after the glorious revolution of Egypt. Yet, at present there is no room to talk about Israel, because this regime, along with the US, does not want Egypt to experience stability and security,”

Israel wants Egypt to return $300m bribe money | Rehmat's World