ADL: ‘Katy Perry’s Pastor father hates Jews’


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ADL: ‘Katy Perry’s Pastor father hates Jews’

On Monday, Abraham Foxman, national director of Israel lobby, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) blasted evangelist pastor Keith Hudson 63, for making “unabashedly anti-Semitic” remarks in his sermon.

“You know how to make the Jew jealous? Have some momey, honey. You go to L.A. and they own all the Rolex and diamond places. Walk down a part of L.A. where we live and it’s so rich it smells. They are all Jews, Hallelujah,” Keith Hudson said during a recent sermon at the church.

Now, just imagine, had pastor Hudson used ‘Muslim’ instead of ‘Jew’ in his rant – I bet his fellow evangelist pastor Pat Robertson, Rep. Michele Bachmann and Rep. Peter King would have jumped to pastor Hudson’s defense under ‘freedom of speech’.

ADL: ‘Katy Perry


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According to Jewish historian Dr. Shlomo Sand - Jews were INVENTED only a century ago. There is no religion called "Judaism". Historically, it could be called "Talmidism" or simply "Holocaust religion".