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Turkey was first Muslim country to recognize the Zionist entity in 1948. Keeping its tradition, now Turkish TV station TRT has announced to lead Muslim nations in propagating Zionists’ narrative of ‘Six Million Died’ (Shoah). TRT will be showing French director Claude Lanzmann’s ten-hour-long movie ‘Shoah’ on January 26, 2012 on the eve of International Holocaust Rememberance Day. The screening is paid by the Paris-based ‘Aladin Project’.

The Turks, more than any other Muslim nation, need to learn about Hitler and Nazis – as Turkish translation of Hitler’s book, ‘Mein Kampf’, which he wrote in prison before he rose to power – became the best-seller in Turkey with sale of 100,000 copies in the first quarter of year 2007. The book was later banned in Turkey as result of German state of Bavaria’s legal action against the publishers of the book.

The ‘Aladin Project’, a Zionist Hasbara outfit, was launched in Paris in 2009 to teach Zionists’ version of ‘Shoah (Holocaust)‘ to the Muslims around the world and create bridges between Israel and the Muslim world. The ‘Aladin Project’ is sponsored by the ‘Jacques Chirac foundation‘ and UNESCO. The Jacques Chirac foundation was created by former Zionist French President Jacques Chirac. In December 2011, a French judge Dominique Pauthe, gave Jacques Chirac 79, two-year suspended prison sentence for diverting public funds and abusing public trust.

The ‘Shoah‘ movie has been subtitled in Turkish, Arabic and Persian languages by the ‘Aladin Project’. In March 2011, the Los Angeles-based, US-taxpayers’ funded Pars TV satellite channel aired the Persian version in Iran which the Iranian press called ‘Zionist propaganda myth’ with no proof that Judeo-Christian Nazis did murder six million Jews in Europe. In December 2006, an Iranian newspaper held a Holocaust Conference in Tehran which was attended by over 70 scholars from around the world including six Jewish rabbis and historians. One of them was Alexander Baron, who had reported: “Iran we are told is a threat to world peace, it is developing nuclear weapons which will be used against Israel. The lies go on“.

“Seeing his religion offended and the blasphemers defended on the grounds of free speech, some bright spark in Iran decided that sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander, and the newspaper Hamshahri announced that it would hold a Holocaust cartoon competition.”

“Does the West’s freedom of expression extend to an event such as the Holocaust or is this freedom of expression only for the desecration of the sanctities of divine religions?” the paper asked. That is what is known as a rhetorical question, because international outrage followed at this blasphemy against the religion of Holocaust“.

Last year, French Jewish historian, Dr. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce, wrote an open letter to Steven Spielberg , the founder of ‘Shoah Foundation’, saying:

“I feel it my duty as a Jew and after 20 years study of the historical problem of the holocaust, to call your attention to the facts. Facts are very stubborn and as no one can gainsay them, our congeners have been compelled to make disgusting politicians enact stalino-orwellian laws which forbid to mention anything concerning the dogma of the ‘six-million-gas-chambers,’ definitively reduced to perpetual worship of this alchemy….”

Viktor Suvorov, the pseudonym of a defector from Soviet military intelligence GRU, in his book ‘The Chief Culprit’ wrote that Adolf Hitler saved Western Europe from Crypto-Jew Joeph Stalin.

Claude Lanzmann is scheduled to attend Shoah celebration at the Neve Shalom synagogue in Istanbul on January 26. I sincerely recommend Turkey’s so-called “Islamist” prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to attend the ceremony and reconstruct bridges between US-Israel and Turkey against Iranian regional power.

Lobby: ‘Turks need to understand ‘Shoah’ | Rehmat's World