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On March 10, 2012 – the Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farakhan spoke to a packed auditorium of nearly 700 people at University of California Berkeley. The event was organized by the Black Student Union.

As expected, local and national pro-Israel Jewish groups tried their best to get the event cancelled. The Anti-Defamation Leaguge’s associate director Nancy Appel urged the UC Chancellor Robert Birgeneau to follow the example of UC President Mark G. Yudof, a kosher Jew (Jewish Journal, July 1, 2008) and ‘condemn the merchants of hatred when they come into our community’. She claimed that “granting Farakhan this privilege is a slap in the face of all members of the diverse UC Berkeley community who strive to make their campus as inclusive and welcoming as for everyone“.

Jacob Lewis, co-president of the campus Jewish student group Tikvah, also blasted Farakhan for his anti-Israel views. ”Farrakhan’s hatred cannot be tolerated. It is unfathomable that the BSU has no issue in inviting such an abjectly offensive speaker to campus,” he said. However, despite Jewish groups’ concerns, the UC Senate passed a bill unanimously to provide $1,340 in funding for the conference.

Farrakhan’s speech centered on the topic of Black empowerment. He urged Black students to create jobs for themselves and to work more diligently at learning African-American history. He also touched upon America’s foreign policy and history of racial and religious diversity in his 2-hour speech. He called the United States a “troublemaker, meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.”

Farakhan narrated story of his meeting with some Zionist rabbis who told him that Farakhan’s hand of friendship to Jewish community will be acceptable only after watching his statements for many years to come. Then Farakhan advised the audience to study the book ‘The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews’. The 334-page book records the major role played by a rich Jewish minority in the African slave trade which uprooted nearly 100 million people from Africa – but only 10 million made to the West.

Walter White Jr. in his booklet French Connection: Who brought the slaves to America?‘ also claimed Jewish elites’ involvement in African slave trade.

Addressing his critics, who opposed his appearance at the UC, Farakhan told mostly Black audience: “They’re so fearful that you’re going to hear a word that will break the chain off your mind“.

The 3-day conference started on Friday and was addressed by five other speakers. It had workshops and other social activities aiming to unify Black students across the UC system.

Interestingly, in 2004 and 2007 – the Islamophobes and racists Daniel Pipes and Nonie Darwish spoke at UC Berkeley for the Jews to occupy Arab lands as their ‘God-given’ right – the same anti-Farakhan bigots praised UC for upholding the principles of ‘Freedom of Speech’.

Minister Farakhan has a long history of pulling rug under the Zionist mafia. He has stated his anger at Israel’s treatment of native Palestinians, questioned the ‘Six Million Died’ story and is against Freemasonray cult. Farakhan has criticized Israel lobby Jewish group the Anti-Defamation League on several occasions. Farakhan has also met several of Israel’s adverseries, Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad (in 2010), Libyan leader Qaddafi (in 2011), Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein (in 2005) and South african President Nelson Mandela (in 1996).

For more news on Farakhan and Nation of Islam, click here.

Farakhan knows how to anger Israel Lobby | Rehmat's World