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On Friday, several pro-Israel rabbis, Jewish activists and their local and South Sudanese Zionist Christian collaborators, held a protest rally at the Sudanese embassy in Washington DC. They raised anti-Khartoum slogans and rants. When the police told them to leave the embassy scene – the ‘chosen ones’ like their Zionist leaders in Israel – refused to obey the law.

Pro-Israel Hollywood Jewish actor, George Clooney (aka Nathan Birnbaum), along with Rabbi Steve Gutow, president JCPA, Rabbi David Saperstein, director RAC and Fred Kramer, president Jewish World Watch – lead the protest. On their refusal to disperse, the police arrested George Clooney, his father, both Zionist rabbis, Fred Kramer, former Rep. Tom Andrew, Congressmen Jim McGovern, Al Green, Jim Moran and John Olver, Martin Luther King III and Benjamin Jealous, president of Jewish controlled NAACP for civil disobedience.

Rabbi Steve Gutow, who always supported Israel’s ethnic-cleansings of Muslims and Christians in Gaza and Lebanon in the past – shamelessly displayed his Jewish morality by tell the protesters: “The inhumane cruelity of (Sudanese President) Omar al-Bashir’s war crimes is too much for us to abide in silence. With one hand he assaults his own people while with the other he holds back those who would seek to help. I am compelled by G-d, my commitment to justice (?), and by my humanity to speak out“. Strangely, a few weeks ago, the ‘moral Jew’ had applauded both Benji Netanyahu and Barack Obama for their resolution to conduct a new Holocaust over Iranian people.

American Jewish organizations played a major role in the creation of the Save Darfur anti-Sudan lobby group. It were Zionist Jews who lead the April 30, 2006 Washington DC rally and placed full-page anti-Islamist regime advertisement in major newspapers and ubiquitous television spots.

Even after the break-up of the largest Muslim majority African country in Africa – the Israel lobby groups have not stopped their vicious campaign against the pro-Palestine and pro-Iran Omar al-Bashir government. The Zionist regime has created conflicts in almost every African Muslim country by fuelling Arab vs African and Muslim vs Christian/Pagan racism based on Jewish racism against Goyim.

Early this month, Khartoum threatened to to expel the United States diplomatic mission if Washington continues to propagate claims of famine lies in the country’s war hit regions of South Kordofan and Blue Nile. Washington is interested to send embeded pro-Israel NGOs, like in Egypt, Tunisia and Syria – who will cook-up lies about famine and human rights abuses – in order to further pressure Khartoum as it did in past.

“We have informed the US deputy chief of mission in Sudan, Dennis Hankins, that unless they quit their propaganda of famine in the three areas, we will expel them,” Sudan’s minister of international cooperation, Ishraqa Said Mahmoud, said in a press conference in the capital Khartoum on March 4, 2012.

The Sudanese government refuses to allow international aid groups to distribute aid in the two states, and has accused Washington of seeking to feed and support the rebels who, according to Khartoum, are already supported by neighbouring pro-Israel South Sudan.

Ishraqa Said Mahmoud also criticised the illegal entry by US Congressman Frank Wolf and Journalist Nichlos Kristof into South Kordofan, saying it represented a blatant violation of Sudanese and international law, and showed that the two are supporting a rebel group.

Last month, Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir had slammed Obama for his policy towards Sudan. Bashir said that Khartoum was neither interested nor intimidated by whatever incentives or disincentives Washington has to offer. He also hinted the US special envoy to Sudan Princeton Lyman (a Zionist Jew) is collaborating with the rebels.

In January 2012 – Sudanese General Mustafa Dabi, head of the Arab League (AL) monitoring group in Syria, kicked Zionist bucket by exposing their lies against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad regime.

Zionist Jews against Muslim Sudan | Rehmat's World