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Britain’s top gay policeman, Brain Paddick, former deputy assistant police commissioner, says that being a gay he always felt comfortable among Jews.

“The gay and Jewish communities have some common heritage of being scapegoats and being picked on. I’ve always felt comfortable among the Jewish community. I have an affinity with Jews and know what it’s like to be completely wrongly discriminated against simply because you come from a particular background or community.”

Brian Paddick, is Liberal Democrats’ London mayoral election candidate opposing Labour Party candidate, former London Mayor Ken Livingstone. Brian slammed Ken Livingstone calling Jews “rich” – calling it “dog- whistle tactics to play divide and rule game with Jewish voters.

Last week, British Israel lobby groups had slammed Ken Livingstone, a socialist, for telling a group of pro-Labour Jewish Londoners that “Jews will not vote for me because they’re rich“.

Brian Paddick’s claim of similarity between Jews and gays, reminds me Canadian Jewish columnist and author who writes for Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram. During 2004-2006, he used publish a blog from Uzbekistan under pen-name Simon Jones. He posted a column, entitled ‘Jews and gays – birds of a feather?‘

“Like Jews, gays have ancient roots of persecution and have been mostly outcasts since the rise of Christianity (though the roots of persecution, ironically, are in Torah). The persecution complex – I know it first-hand – leaves an endelible mark on one’s character – defiance of a hypocritical, unjust society, a desire for revenge, a feeling of superiority, a lack of patriotism. So gays automatically emphasize with Jews. At the same time, gays often crossed path with Jews professionally – in the arts, as writers, philosophers, councilors, etc……”

Eric Walberg writes on Middle East and Muslim world. Eric’s website can be reached here.

Paddick: ‘Gays and Jews have common heritage!’ | Rehmat calling