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Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Egypt left Cairo on weekend after Riyadh announced the breaking of diplomatic relation with the most populous Arab nation of Egypt. Riyadh has closed its missions in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez. The Kingdom took the action after hundreds of Egyptian protested in front of Saudi embassy over the arrest of a prominent Egyptian human right activist on April 17, 2012 – who went to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

The protesters shouted anti-Saudi ‘royals’ slogans and demanded immediate release of Ahmed Mohammed al-Gizawi. Saudis had sentenced al-Gizawi of one year in prison and 20 lashes delivered against him in absentia earlier for criticizing the Saudi ‘royals’ for their pathetic human rights record while supporting violent anti-government opposition groups in Syria, Lebanon, Libya - and criticizing other Arab countries for their human rights abuses.

The Cairo-based Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi indicated on Sunday that he was mediating in a diplomatic spat between Saudi Arabia and Egypt, calling it a “passing phase”.

Egypt has maintained good relations with its neighbors Libya and Sudan – and was the first Arab country to recognize the Jewish occupation of Palestine (in 1979) at the risk of angering fellow Palestinian Arabs. Cairo favors a united Sudan and has refused to recognize South Sudan. Egyptian top ruling General Omar Suleiman has maintained very close relations with both the Pentagon and Israel Occupation Force (IOF) Generals.

Though the Saudi ‘royals’ claim the title of the “Guardian of two Holy Cities” – Mohammad Sakher in his research article SAUDHOUSE claims that Saudi family is Crypto-Jewish whose main agenda is to keep the Muslim world divided for the interests of the former and current western colonialists.

The Israel-US-Saudi ‘Axis of Evil‘ is bent on salvaging the colonial status quo in the Middle East. Martin Kramer of Israel’s conservative Shalem Center, in his presentation at the February 2011 Herzliya Conference assigned that job to Washington: “In Israel, we are for the status quo. Not only do we believe the status quo is sustainable, we think it’s the job of the US to sustain it“.

The great majority of Egyptian Muslims belong to Sunni sect. However, both Cairo city and the world-famous al-Azhar University were built by Fatmid Shia dynasty ( 969-1171 CE) rulers. Agha Khan Trust for Culture built the huge al-Azhar Park in Cairo. The park was opened to public in 2005 and cost more than $30 million.

Riyadh breaks diplomatic relations with Cairo | Rehmat\'s World