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The Central Criminal Court of Iraq on Monday ruled that Ali Musa Daqduq, member of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, be released from custody over lack of evidence.

“No document was provided that indicate the guilt of Daqduq, and all of what was shown to the court, were copies and not orginals. There were no testimony and charges had no foundation,”Daqduq’s lawyer Abdulmahdi al-Mutairi told AFP.

The ruling has angered pro-Israel lawmakers in the United States. Both Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill) and Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga) had slammed Obama for Ali Musa Daqduq being included among the 1000 Iraqi detainees handed-over to Iraqi government by the US occupation forces before their withdrawal on December 31, 2011. Both Israel-Firsters wanted Ali Musa Daqduq to be brought to the US and let him rot inside Guantanamo Bay concentration camp along with other Muslim inmates.

According to White House spokesperson, Tommy Vietor, Washington tried to bring Daqduq to the US but the Iraqi government refused to allow it.

Ali Musa Daqduq was arrested by US forces on March 20, 2007 while he was in Iraqi city of Basra on pilgrimage. He was accused for the Israeli Mossad false flag operation in which four US soldiers were abducted and killed in Karbala in 2007.

The Zionist-controlled mainstream media never exposed the Israeli covert operations in Iraq under US occupation. A Jordanian daily reported that Israeli Mossad with active collaboration from US forces had killed 530 Iraqi nuclear scientists and academics.

In October 2006, CNN anchorman Anderson Cooper, reported Israeli snippers killing US soldiers. On March 28, 2005, Americans arrested 19 Mossad agents who fired twice on a US Marine checkpoint. The Marines beat up the Mossad agents and tore off their Star-of-David necklaces. (The US media incorrectly said the agents were Americans.) The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which helps the CIA conduct interrogations, and also manages US ammo dumps and US motor pools in Iraq.

Mossad and CIA killed US soldiers and blamed Muslims for the murders in order to demonize Muslims and enrage American troops so that the slaughter of innocent Iraqi Muslims and Christians continued.

Iraqi court acquits Hizbullah fighter | Rehmat's World