Alan Hart: ‘Jews must fight Zionism’


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British veteran journalist and author, Alan Hart, in his latest article, entitled Never ending Nakba has warned the Jews around the world to fight the evil of Zionism before it’s too late.

“If the rising global tide of anti-Israelism is not to be transformed into anti-Semitism, making another great turning against Jews everywhere inevitable at some point, the Jews of the world must play their necessary part in containing and confronting Zionism. As I never tire of pointing out, silence is not the way to refute and demolish a charge of complicity in Zionism’s crimes,” wrote Alan.

Many rabbis and Jewish scholars, writers and human rights activists have issued similar warnings in the past. Many of these Jewish intellectuals have expressed their opposition to the very existence of the state of Israel. This group includes Rabbis Moshe Aryeh Friedman, David Weiss, David Feldman, Yisroel Feldman and Aron Cohen, Alexander Baron, Gilad Atzmon, Roger Tucker, Dr. Finkelstein, Christopher Bollyn, G. Neuburger, Hannah Arendt, Israel Shamir, professor Israel Shahak, Dr. IIan Pappe, Mary Rizzo, Elias Davidsson, Eric Walberg, professor Norton Mezvinsky, etc.

In Nazi Germany, the World Zionist movement did not have more than 5,000 Jewish members because a great majority of German Jewish population considered Zionist leaders as Nazi collaborators. Even in the United States, until 1967 Israel-Arab war, Israel was not a serious topic among the American Jews. However, when the Israel Lobby feared the defeat of Jewish army at the hands of Arab armies – it started the myth of “Arabs want to push the Jews in the Sea“. The lie had its desired affect – the American Jews became Israel’s proxy.

Roger Tucker claims that there is no difference between Zionism and Nazism - they’re twins.

Gilad Atzmon says: “The Israelis can put an end to conflict in two f*****g minutes. Netanyahu gets up tomorrow morning, returns to the Palestinians the lands belong to them“.

Miko Peled, the son of famous Israeli general Mattiyahu Peled says: “Israel is not an occupation. It’s the ethnic-cleansings of the native Palestinians”.

Alan Hart: ‘Jews must fight Zionism’ | Rehmat's World