Israel: ‘Muslim Brotherhood victory is bad news’


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On Monday, the Zionist regime officials and Israeli media showed their concern at the victory of Muslim Brotherhood prsidential candidate Dr. Mohamed Mursi as the first elected President of Egypt.

While both prime minister Netanyahu and his defense minister Barak issued careful comments on Sunday evening, however, former Israeli defense minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer, who was close to Egypt’s ousted president Hosni Mubarak, told Israeli public radio that Egypt would now be led “by a man who has never hidden his hostility towards Israel. We must seek dialogue with the Islamists, and at the same time be prepared for war“.

On Sunday, after days of delay, the Supreme Presidential Electoral Commission (SPEC) announced Mursi, Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate, as the winner of the county’s presidential runoff. Head of the SPEC Farouq Sultan said that Mursi received nearly 52 percent of the votes, with over 13 million ballots while, former Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq won over 12 million votes.

Dr. Mursi in an interview with Fars News Agency stressed his eagerness to further develop ties with Islamic Iran, and said, “It is part of my agenda”. A close relation between Egypt and Iran will create a strategic balance in the region, he stressed.

Mursi also slammed the ruling junta for the dissolution of the Islamist-dominated elected parliament. “The dissolution of Majlis al-Sha’b (parliament) targeted me. When the generals saw that I have come close to the presidential post, they attempted to take away certain authorities in their own interest,” said Mursi.

Mursi also rejected media news about his first foreign trip to Saudi Arabia, and said, “I have said nothing so and my first international trips after victory in presidential election have not yet been specified.”

It’s also reported that Tehran is willing to pay $1.3 billion annual aid to Egypt once Cairo cancel its peace treaty with Israel.
