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Israeli daily, YNet reported recently that Tokyo has asked for Israeli help to rehabilitate the city of Fukushima, which was hit particularly hard by the disastrous earthquacke and tsunami over a year ago.

Canadian daily The Globe And Mail reported on July 5, 2012 that a recent Japanese parliamentary panel has claimed that the nuclear accident at Fukushima was “man-made disaster” and not only due to tsunami.

“It is clear that this accident was a man-made disaster. Governments, regulatory authorities and Tokyo Electric Power lacked a sense of responsibility to protect people’s lives and society,” the Diet’s Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission said on Thursday.

In February 2010, Japan offered to enrich uranium for the Islamic Republic. Soon thereafter, an Israeli firm by the name Magna BSP, headed by Haim Siboni, secured a contract to run security at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Last year, Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported that Magna BSP was providing security for the neculear plant prior to the disaster. In 2010, the firm installed security system “which included cameras and a warning system, enabling the facilitiy’s security staff to monitor anyone attempting to trespass onto the site or damage the parameter fence. The security system was designed to guard the plant against any hostile elements seeking to seize radioactive material to use in a terrorist attack,” reported Ha’aretz.

Former NSA analyst and freelance journalist, Jim Stone, argues that there was no mag 9.0 earthquake. The Tsunami was caused by nuclear bombs in the Sea and the Fukushima explosion and meltdown was by mini-nukes hidden in cameras installed by the Israeli security firm. The motive: to punish Japan for offering to enrich Iranian uranium and straying from Illuminati (mostly Jewish) dictat. Watch a video below.

Since releasing his report and making several radio appearances to support it, Jim Stone has been harassed, threatened, unlawfully detained, and is currently facing prison time on completely trumped-up charges.

Keith Johnson and Jonathan Aziziah in a talkshow at The Ugly Truth have discussed the likelihood of Israel behind the Fukushima disaster.

And finally, an interesting discussion on Canadian magazine on Israel being behind the Fukushima nuclear disaster – like my earlier article posted there, is closed for further discussions by its moderator Rebbeca West, for being ‘anti-Semitic’. Read the said posting here.

Israel and Fukushima nuclear disaster | Rehmat's World